Beta to be turned off soon

BinderAJ said:
Can someone post it on eMule too please?

I know bittorrent is popular, i just like eMule a bit more.

Why? Does it have a prettier icon?

BT is a distributed system that feeds pieces from many other clients. Each piece is cryptographically checked against the master "tracker" to insure that you get the real thing, not a trojan horse. The pieces can arrive in random order.

A quick look at the eMule feature list suggests that it's targeted more at streaming media, allowing you to play it before it completely arrives. But this requires that all the pieces arrive in order.
eMule can get pieces of files in any order, it's just darn slow. The most I got out of it so far was around 20 kB/s, but then it was downloading about 8 files at once.
Amadeu5 said:
eMule can get pieces of files in any order, it's just darn slow. The most I got out of it so far was around 20 kB/s, but then it was downloading about 8 files at once.

EMule users are all leeches. Unfortunately BT seems to be suffering the same fate. "All download for me, I do not need to upload to someone else."
will we be able to get an update of our current files, seeing as the same maps are being used, rather than having to d/l the whole thing?
If the demo is complete why not just release it right now? What's the holdup? The more time between demo and release the better the sales, no?
extra entrances? How bout all new bases that actually have some thought put into their design. Im tired of all these bases that go down in 2 seconds, and then go back up in 2 seconds.
h4rdluck said:
extra entrances? How bout all new bases that actually have some thought put into their design. Im tired of all these bases that go down in 2 seconds, and then go back up in 2 seconds.


Though, they take much longer to repair than they do to take out :) I know from experience!
BitRaiser said:
and a big fat single player game that should actually be worth playing!

sounds like to me, we all paying just for that stupid ass single player action, which is about as fat as a crack head on some base .... SinglePlayer games can be okay, if they are on a console and your friend can play with you on it at same time .... AKA : HALO .... okay, maybe to unlock maps, skins, character models, things like this is may be okay to have a single player bs for .... but lol, lol trully at sp hype, think its gotten as much hype as fable did ..... Should have spent more time worrying about making the game palatized, so some of the older tribes players could then still play TV, on old gforce cards and 550mhz cpu's ... its pretty stupid when i see alot of my friends still on t2 & tribes, just because the requirements of the game and its engine are so stressfull and demanding ... you could have thrown all that sp stuff away and giving some of us our clan mates back, lol, now we have to go out and by like 7 new pcs just so the clan can play TV .... the edit from 32 bit to 16 bit helps some ppl, but it really did need a mushy, crappy looking palatized option, cause ppl that love tribes dont care how GREAT A FKN GRAPHICS JOB YOU DID .. they just want to play .... but this 2004, what do you expect i guess .... just really wish my friends who are on 1.5+ghz cpu's and shiaty mobos and intergrated graphic cards could play the game, cause they could not play the beta at all, even with all the ini tweaks ... i hope soon the world dies, and nothing at all is left, much like Florida, place i live, nothing much is left, and it just keeps coming ... like lambs to the gods ...
i gonna buy TV, and i wont give a shiat if it sucks ...
or maybe after this weekend i wont have a house or anything to even worry about playing TV on ... Should have taken the stupid flying vehical out, i can MA vets or newbies with nades and disk, and then when they die, it says "they killed themselves" hope this is really fixed b4 we PAY money for the game .. Screw a cap , pub only meant for one thing, who gets most points/kills, and we getting fkd outta alot of kills cause of that stupid kid like flying bubble plane you added, make it so when i kill them sorry fks that i get credit for the kill, not this "so and so kills themselves" .. lol, Kadamos gets ma and dies by my actions, but his body flys into a arial thats in the sky and it says he kills himself ... if this hasnt been fixed, a simple issue, and you release the game, with single player, but not fixing things like this, then what would we call it? patches, mods, i forgot, the tribes community likes for its ppl from within to actually do all the hard work huh ?
ty's for making another game for us tho, im just pissed off at the world and im sick n tired of storms ...
imperial said:
sounds like to me, we all paying just for that stupid ass single player action, which is about as fat as a crack head on some base .... SinglePlayer games can be okay, if they are on a console and your friend can play with you on it at same time .... AKA : HALO .... okay, maybe to unlock maps, skins, character models, things like this is may be okay to have a single player bs for .... but lol, lol trully at sp hype, think its gotten as much hype as fable did ..... Should have spent more time worrying about making the game palatized, so some of the older tribes players could then still play TV, on old gforce cards and 550mhz cpu's ... its pretty stupid when i see alot of my friends still on t2 & tribes, just because the requirements of the game and its engine are so stressfull and demanding ... you could have thrown all that sp stuff away and giving some of us our clan mates back, lol, now we have to go out and by like 7 new pcs just so the clan can play TV .... the edit from 32 bit to 16 bit helps some ppl, but it really did need a mushy, crappy looking palatized option, cause ppl that love tribes dont care how GREAT A FKN GRAPHICS JOB YOU DID .. they just want to play .... but this 2004, what do you expect i guess .... just really wish my friends who are on 1.5+ghz cpu's and shiaty mobos and intergrated graphic cards could play the game, cause they could not play the beta at all, even with all the ini tweaks ... i hope soon the world dies, and nothing at all is left, much like Florida, place i live, nothing much is left, and it just keeps coming ... like lambs to the gods ...
i gonna buy TV, and i wont give a shiat if it sucks ...
or maybe after this weekend i wont have a house or anything to even worry about playing TV on ... Should have taken the stupid flying vehical out, i can MA vets or newbies with nades and disk, and then when they die, it says "they killed themselves" hope this is really fixed b4 we PAY money for the game .. Screw a cap , pub only meant for one thing, who gets most points/kills, and we getting fkd outta alot of kills cause of that stupid kid like flying bubble plane you added, make it so when i kill them sorry fks that i get credit for the kill, not this "so and so kills themselves" .. lol, Kadamos gets ma and dies by my actions, but his body flys into a arial thats in the sky and it says he kills himself ... if this hasnt been fixed, a simple issue, and you release the game, with single player, but not fixing things like this, then what would we call it? patches, mods, i forgot, the tribes community likes for its ppl from within to actually do all the hard work huh ?
ty's for making another game for us tho, im just pissed off at the world and im sick n tired of storms ...

OMG, paragraphs and capitalization are your friend.... :ugh:
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Imperial, you might be experiencing the MA on-screen notification thinking it's a kill/MA notification. I've done this many times. I've MA'd someone seen the notification, thought they were dead, only for them to hit me right back. This might be happening, and then your opponent might be hitting the ground and dying on impact?
Zio said:
Imperial, you might be experiencing the MA on-screen notification thinking it's a kill/MA notification. I've done this many times. I've MA'd someone seen the notification, thought they were dead, only for them to hit me right back. This might be happening, and then your opponent might be hitting the ground and dying on impact?

Nope, he's not. I've done this many times before too, and it irks me. When you MA a pod with a disc, and the pod explodes because of it, but the guy dies and it says "So and So killed himself" when he really died by your hand. Pretty annoying, I agree.
To "imperial" arguements:

- Single player was a big reason that Tribes and Tribes 2 lost points on many review sites, and a bit of a reason that some people didn't play it. T:V single player has not been hyped that much, or at all really. T:V single player allows newbies a chance to better themselves at the game on lower skill levels instead of immediately going into multiplayer and dieing every two seconds.

- T2 didn't work on alot of computers that could play T1. Improvement requires money in the real world. Without improvement graphically, many less people would purchase the game. That would be an idiotic business move. And I personally know only one person who won't be buying T:V because of a poor computer, but he doesn't play most computer games anyways (with the exception of Tribes on occassion)

- On the "stupid kid like flying bubble plane": What you seem to be worried most about is not getting credit for the fighter kill, which simply points out the fact that you're one of the people who doesn't like contributing to teamwork in pubs. It doesn't even spawn that often, so what does it matter? You're not losing that many kills, lest that's all you attack... At that you don't even know if they've fixed it for release or not, so why are you complaining about them having to put it in a patch?