Best city building games


Veteran XV
hey dudes. i got an itch to play some shit like SimCity for some reason.

i looked around and from what i found Cities: Skylines seems to be the crowd favorite.
Anyone have any suggestions or agree that i should just get skylines?

Cities: Skylines on Steam

no because that was engine-based

city skylines is good but has very little replayability since theres no depth

rimworld isn't quite city building but i think its a similar type of game with a ton more depth/replayability
My kids play a lot of Skylines. The lead designer is a woman, so don't expect too much in the gameplay department, there isn't anything there. The DLC is also very poor, only buy it when it's 75% off. Get some mods like Network Extensions from the workshop. My oldest likes tinkering with the traffic, but the default AI is stupid as fuck, so you'll need something like Traffic++ or Traffic Manager to fix it. I also like it as a sandobx city builder.
Banished is fun but I consider it to be more like the Anno series which is also good. It's not your typical city builder, it's more about managing resources and economy.

If you want a city builder that's like traditional Sim City style games, Skylines is probably the best choice.
real negative feedback bout this one. theres no actual movement being simulated, its just window dressing. and the utilities are suppose to be a real grind/pain in the ass. less depth then city skylines apparently

and i love me simtower

Yeah I toyed with it for a bit and it didn't feel right - but I thought it was fine, it seems more about meeting the needs of the tenants in a bit more detail than you had in Sim Tower. But I do agree the lack of "movement" in the building is kind of lame.