Been fucked over [part 2]

Raptor, please include subjects in your sentences. Poor grammar is OK on the internet to a point, but yours is so horrible you make baby jesus cry.
Musashi said:
Raptor, please include subjects in your sentences. Poor grammar is OK on the internet to a point, but yours is so horrible you make baby jesus cry.

i am sorry that i do not belive in the same allah-u-ackbar that you do you raghead.
raptor said:
i am sorry that i do not belive in the same allah-u-ackbar that you do you raghead.
Raghead? how did you reach that conclusion? Are you on drugs or suffering from mild retardation? your replies and posts are barely coherent.
It is my professional opinion that raptor and this other wackjob are fucking retards. I've seen a lot of fucking retards in my day, but these two take the cake.

Congratulations, fucking retards, and may the world be at peace knowing that you two fucking retards were owned and fired.
Benign said:
It is my professional opinion that raptor and this other wackjob are fucking retards. I've seen a lot of fucking retards in my day, but these two take the cake.

Congratulations, fucking retards, and may the world be at peace knowing that you two fucking retards were owned and fired.
can i make babies in your mouth??????????
Ok so I read this thread and then the first thread. Raptor don't be a fucking idiot, first of all going to any kind of law with your pics of his cock parties is just dumb. You had to be there to get the pics, ie: guilt by association. What you do is BLACKMAIL his god damned ass.
see i want to do all this against him, i do not want anything in return thus avoiding blackmail and threat's towards him. i just want his ship to sink.
The easiest way to get him busted would be to wait till he has a party, and then call the cops. I don't know what to tell you about your money, but maybe after you get him arrested, you can loot his house. And another thing..
