Been fucked over [part 2]

pics too, they are vauge but they show 2 things, underage children at his house, and alcohol all over the place. how would those help if any?
"what do i need to prove without a shadow of a doubt that the fucker has crazy party's where he provides alcohol to minors."

wait till he has a party and call the cops...
yah ive got lawyers np. heh, just need to figure out who to get or suggest to get before i bring any of this up to them. yes "them" also, his last words to me were "nate this is a lesson in life". fuck that nigger shit he fired me to not pay me im gonna make sure he sits in a cell hopefully on the same block as my friends who are in there.
raptor said:
yah ive got lawyers np. heh, just need to figure out who to get or suggest to get before i bring any of this up to them. yes "them" also, his last words to me were "nate this is a lesson in life". fuck that nigger shit he fired me to not pay me im gonna make sure he sits in a cell hopefully on the same block as my friends who are in there.
and firetruck
I doubt raptor's story is accurate. It is more likely he got terminated for being a moron, which is not that hard to believe from reading his posts.

The boy is barely literate.
ohhh good one musashi you are one funny tar baby. nah i got terminted from both my positions, i've already got another job. jew.
ChowTOdust said:
how will pics of his house with underage people drinking prove that he needs to go to jail, or pay you your money?

they wont, but i dont want to ever have to look at him again. for a long period of time. ill link tw to the newspaper that will have the article of when he is fucking owned.
raptor said:
ohhh good one musashi you are one funny tar baby. nah i got terminted from both my positions, i've already got another job. jew.
Nice. Lemme guess, your new position requires you to assemble big macs. You sit there and follow the recipie witten out with pictures so even illiterate retards like you don't screw it up.
nah, im at lowes start my training for inventory/recieveing manager as soon as my piss comes back from the lab. applied same day was fired, accepted yesterday.
once you have retail manager experience its not hard to walk into a new job. fired from a dual role title shipping/recieveing manager and network adminstrator, walked right into a new job.
eh its just the fact that 1/2 the people who load this post will not read it if i have more than 10 words in my post. why try with punctation and capitilization?