Been a long time


Veteran XV
Had a dream about some of the people that used to frequent these halls and shoot at each other. Been in a dark place lately and felt I should say what's up.

Most of you probably have idea who I am, or was.

But what the hell, what's up!
nm, just went back 2 swtor and had ~Torian~ restore clan cadera 2 a place of honor among the mandalorians :cool:
Are you aware that jews colluded with certain non-jewish elements in the US government to pull off 9/11? And do you also know that the "Holocaust" as advertised never actually took place and that there has been a concentrated, deliberate effort by all sorts of pseudo-historians ever since to lie about it in order to stem (European) nationalism and to justify the terror state of Israel?
Not looking for comfort, just came to say what's up after a dream about some of you.

Was not even that prominent, just around a long time. Lots of good memories from a few uvalans, good friends I played with pop up occasionally.

And no, not a new name. Hasnt changed since I registered.
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Tell us your dreams. Did it involved bragging about lavish trips? Did it involve squatting or politics? Did it have chokin' Injuns and Nazi crackers? Did it cross dress and did you put anything in our butts?
The dream involved the bar at the Charlottesville DoubleTree, lots of alcohol, Cheater telling me my entire life was a lie and to give up and do the decent thing.

John Wayne Gacy, the player from back then, was there with a fish scaler that he handed me. Disciple and Fugazni, both friends from school were trying to get me to go to a Tool concert. A bunch of other people with names I can't remember but that I played Tribes with over the years were cheering me on to go ahead and use the fish scaler.

All I wanted was Mac n cheese and to go back to bed