Battlefield 5

I might pickup BFV when it is cheaper, their last few games were not well executed. I could still log into BF4 if I felt like it I assume it still have servers with a decent number of people.

I still have fun with Overwatch, I don't play at a high level so a game with 6 dps is still winnable. The people that have been playing a lot since the beginning and at masters and above are always locked into the current best meta, if anyone on their team doesn't fit into the overall teams plan they lose. At lower levels you a widow that can barely land a body shot, I have had games that I played phara into 3 snipers and had no problems picking the other team apart because their snipers aren't able to get a killing shot.

Seagull did his state of Overwatch video, but he is already burned out on the game and the other people that weighed in on what he said have been playing hours a day since beta. If you play any game too long it stops being fun, it sucks that people that have youtube channels get locked into one game and need to keep playing it for their income, they always end up very negative.

Most of us here loved playing Tribes, but you have to move on.

ya i dont get why bliz fked that game up... much of what seagull said were major design nonos. game used to be fine too... they fked up wow in a similar way too
That's because kikes, leftists, feminists, nigger-lovers, and women ruined the game itself.

The gameplay is boring shit. The stories are contrived bullshit, completely made up or taken from real events and replaced all of the heroic white men with women/blacks, and the marketing is a representation of all of it.

It's a bad version of COD.

you know this post defines whining

get a fucking clue and an education you clown ass

wahh people that arent like me wahh, get it
just watched the seagull OW video, basically everything he said is dead on but I quit well before the hero he talks about in the video came out. its deeper than what hes saying.

BFV will only take another two weeks to ship from target, GG online retailer that wants to compete with amazon takes 16 days to ship a video game

edit: cancelled my order, dont care to play this game and target is shit. ill try again in a few months maybe.
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you know this post defines whining

get a fucking clue and an education you clown ass

wahh people that arent like me wahh, get it
:lol: "I'm offended!!!"

Simmer down, leftist. If right-wingers do something shitty, you can call it out as well.
I'm right-wing. You need to shut the fuck up already. You're a racist, we get it.
Yea, sure you are.

And of course I'm racist. Everyone is. People who are honest with working brains just admit they are. The only difference between us (lol, well, let's get real, there are insurmountable mountains between us) is that I don't treat anyone differently regardless of the observable generalized facts that the different breeds/races of people have advantages/disadvantages, while you hypocritically do.

So shut the fuck up, angry joe fanboy faggot.

dude your posts are always the same

i bet you are fun to be around
Oh I absolutely know that you emasculated pansy leftists don't last long around me, so you've got that right; it's definitely no fun for the perpetually offended whiny cunts that you are.
no dude, i bet you are just an internet raging nerd and if you ever tried something i would thow you into traffic

get that straight you pencil mustache queen
Yea, sure you are.

Yeah, I am.

And of course I'm racist. Everyone is. People who are honest with working brains just admit they are. The only difference between us (lol, well, let's get real, there are insurmountable mountains between us) is that I don't treat anyone differently regardless of the observable generalized facts that the different breeds/races of people have advantages/disadvantages, while you hypocritically do.

No, I'm not a racist, I don't judge people by the color of their skin or ethnicity.
no dude, i bet you are just an internet raging nerd and if you ever tried something i would thow you into traffic

get that straight you pencil mustache queen
You couldn't push a small child into traffic, soyboy. :rofl: Get fucking real.

Yeah, I am.

No, I'm not a racist, I don't judge people by the color of their skin or ethnicity.
Then you're also a liar. So a hypocrite, a liar, and an angry joe parroting fanboy faggot. What a great combination.
Well, you're a fat fuck, so I'm not sure if that counts as a soyboy, but it was a general term for you emasculated leftists.
I think there's a pretty solid line between everyday prejudices and that post there Mr kike nigger lover
With the exception of the post above this one this entire page has been nothing but autism and I am seriously starting to second guess my decision to register for this dead message board.
You were expecting some high-quality conversation in this thread that started off with a two-word question?

Not sure where those high standards came from...