Battlefield 5

well naturally an MMR system should match you against tougher players as you climb, hence expected 50% WR for most players. thats perfectly fine... but if WoT or whatever does something shadey beyond this then :shrug: theres really no reason to fuk with this system tho.

coinflip is another thing though, that shouldnt exist in competitive gaming. yet it does, hearthstone being greatest offender, but now OW... and thats just shitty design that can easily be avoided.
Well... what effectively happened in WoT is I'd go from winning most games, to suddenly winning no games. Like the system isn't randomized, but deliberately stacking games against you.

You played 10 games in a row, and your team gets crushed all night long. Whereas before you were at least 50% or better on average and games you lose were not crushing defeats over and over again.

The system was aggressively shaping your Win rate to match the global average of %50... but not by segregating players into tiers based on their skill like some games do. It felt like it was balancing your higher statistical win rate by stacking more statistically bad players on your team.
In Quake 2. The BFG was not in the multiplayer maps as it's OP. The Rail gun and quad are strategic re-spawns that you battle over.

My son plays "Phantom Forces - Roblox" I gave him some $ for credits. He buys a "AK78" he calls it. $ for OP. Glad I'm not playing it. The unlock stuff in Battlefield is tolerable, but it's going much further than that gets annoying.

I wasn't that keen on the cartoonish palette and graphics in OW. The bright palette. I wasn't that keen on Team Fortress 2 graphics. Some like that look, I prefer the rusty grimy graphics in quakes and battlefields. With Tribes CTF I could tolerate the simple graphics because the game was so good for organised competitive play. Particularly the symmetrical basketball/soccer field approach to the maps. I do like vehicles, and I love big outdoor map stuff. Some of us spent so much time in the corridor shooters longing for big outdoor maps that it's hard to go back to the corridor shooters. each to their own.

I love flying along in a jeep/Humvee/car at dangerous speeds in various battlefield games looking to line up things I can get air off and do huge stunts. That feeling of wide open freedom. Running an enemy down is very satisfying. Particularity if they get to hear me toot the horn as I drive on.

How good was it getting into the huge helicopter that seated about 6 in Battlefield 2 and taking off to head to a capture and hold point? That was pretty good. Same way I enjoyed the transport craft in Tribes 1 on Scarabre (SP?) etc

BF3 was a bit disappointing. 1942 (1) and 2 were awesome. 4 was fun. 5 (called BF1) .. looks like BF1 redone. I'll try it out once it settles down. I think of this as BF6 but they call it 5. I don't count that space one (2145 or whatever it was after BF2).
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Well... what effectively happened in WoT is I'd go from winning most games, to suddenly winning no games. Like the system isn't randomized, but deliberately stacking games against you.

You played 10 games in a row, and your team gets crushed all night long. Whereas before you were at least 50% or better on average and games you lose were not crushing defeats over and over again.

The system was aggressively shaping your Win rate to match the global average of %50... but not by segregating players into tiers based on their skill like some games do. It felt like it was balancing your higher statistical win rate by stacking more statistically bad players on your team.

thats just dumb then, i mean its easier+fairer to just implement the standard ELO system. i wonder what their logic behind that is.
i mean EA games are basically for 10 year olds who buy into the hype/marketing. theres a reason EA spends 5x more on marketing than dev... to effectively sell dirt to janitors. figured TW grew up a bit by now.
"Battlefield 1" (the recent game) was pretty good. It was hard, but good. On local servers once 9 or 10 pm comes around most annoying kids have gone. If you logged on at 4pm.. holly shit, you turn voice coms off so you don't listen to their shit.

Yah EA did some things during "Battlefield 1" earlier this year that gave local players the shits. Government consumer watchdog was biting them on the bum for server issues. People paying monthly to have 'premium' and game servers kept crashing.

Currently working my way through an RPG. Witcher 3.

Whats a better FPS to play?
I might pickup BFV when it is cheaper, their last few games were not well executed. I could still log into BF4 if I felt like it I assume it still have servers with a decent number of people.

I still have fun with Overwatch, I don't play at a high level so a game with 6 dps is still winnable. The people that have been playing a lot since the beginning and at masters and above are always locked into the current best meta, if anyone on their team doesn't fit into the overall teams plan they lose. At lower levels you a widow that can barely land a body shot, I have had games that I played phara into 3 snipers and had no problems picking the other team apart because their snipers aren't able to get a killing shot.

Seagull did his state of Overwatch video, but he is already burned out on the game and the other people that weighed in on what he said have been playing hours a day since beta. If you play any game too long it stops being fun, it sucks that people that have youtube channels get locked into one game and need to keep playing it for their income, they always end up very negative.

Most of us here loved playing Tribes, but you have to move on.
I bought it because its $29.99 @ target right now w/ free shipping

i will tell u all how bad it is in a few week

also ive never seen a "AAA" game go 50% off this fast even w/ the holidays
That's because kikes, leftists, feminists, nigger-lovers, and women ruined the game itself.

The gameplay is boring shit. The stories are contrived bullshit, completely made up or taken from real events and replaced all of the heroic white men with women/blacks, and the marketing is a representation of all of it.

It's a bad version of COD.