[Basic Chem] Halp! mols and formula units

Good luck. If you learn one thing tonight, dimensional analysis is your best bet. As long as you know the conversion rates, you literally can't miss that problem type.

:signed: understanding units and being able to convert them is more than 1/2 of what you need for first year classes in chem, physics, intro engineering courses, and much more.
you shouldn't be having to enter 6.02alksjda into any sort of equation...that's what the word mole is

don't over think it

chem is just memorization
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I actually started a chemical engineer when I first started college. I did well in the chem classes but when I made it up to ochem I just didn't get it. That is, I could do the homework and ace the tests but I just don't understand chemistry. It's too small. I need to see things move.

You should have just toughed it out. You hardly ever use organic chemistry once you get past the actual course, as a chem engineer. You hardly use chemistry at all, in fact, except for some stoichiometry when you're doing chemical kinetics.
Don't worry about not getting this chemistry shit Thunda. I did fairly well in college in just about every area but chemistry. I've always felt chem was a class that some people "get" and others just stare blankly at the entire subject...

Not taking anything away from the chem people, but isn't the later stuff just memorization? I remember a girl explaining a problem she was studying and kept saying, "you know this is double bonded lolol oh and you know all this is all carbon on the outside ^_^ kekekeke."

Eh, fuck it. I just hate chemistry.
There is a lot of memorization in organic, yeah.

Physical chemistry and reaction kinetics are more conceptual.
There is a lot of memorization in organic, yeah.

Physical chemistry and reaction kinetics are more conceptual.

There's memorization in every subject. The people who bitch about organic are the people who didn't put in the time necessary to understand it.

And, yes, gen chem is more conceptual. But You can't do one without the other. You can't support a mechanism for a reaction that doesn't agree with kinetics data, for example.

I love hearing people bitch about chemistry. A lot of the time, it's people who wanted to be doctors when they were 18-19, figured out that hard sciences are difficult, and then moved onto something else.
There's memorization in every subject. The people who bitch about organic are the people who didn't put in the time necessary to understand it.

And, yes, gen chem is more conceptual. But You can't do one without the other. You can't support a mechanism for a reaction that doesn't agree with kinetics data, for example.

I love hearing people bitch about chemistry. A lot of the time, it's people who wanted to be doctors when they were 18-19, figured out that hard sciences are difficult, and then moved onto something else.

I have to say that I have no idea what point you're trying to make.
I guess I don't really have one. I just hear people rag on chemistry (a subject I like very much) every day. I get tired of it :lol:

*edit* And there dislike is generally expressed in the form "organic doesn't make sense" or something of the sort. Which translates into, "I don't want to work hard enough." They should just be honest.
For me, organic chem made the most sense. Physical chemistry and quantum chemistry seemed to me to be abstract and more difficult.

I know what you mean about humanity majors or whatever taking a real science class and constantly complaining. Those folks are much more comfortable talking about the minutia of neo-constructionist art or some damn thing where they can say polysyllabic words that make them feel smart- than they are sitting down and solving problems that actually matter.

There's nothing you can do about them though, they can't be changed (or argued with). Like the poor, humanities students will be with us always. :ugh:
I love hearing people bitch about chemistry. A lot of the time, it's people who wanted to be doctors when they were 18-19, figured out that hard sciences are difficult, and then moved onto something else.

For the record, I'm an ME student... I'm not going to start an academic dick waving contest but chemistry just isn't for everyone. I loved learning why shit moves and stops and how things physically failed and fluid dynamics and etc etc from my course work.

I bitch about chemistry simply because I don't like it. :shrug: I don't take anything away from people that get it, love it, and work with it.
technodonut you were the one going for med school right? how's it going, applying this year? good luck

Yeah, I'm taking the MCAT in June, and apply for 2011 matriculation. I was actually finishing up a gen chem lesson (Kaplan) last night when I saw this thread.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm going to need it. Bloated and convoluted processes like applying to medical school really get me down. Starting on my personal statement this weekend :birthday:

Are you in med school? I don't recall...
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starting this fall. i got in for last year but took a year off due to personal reasons (long story)

just kill the mcat man. that's all they really care about