[Bailout] Fuckers like this need to be shot.

This is the problem.

CEOs and high executives don't bear a large enough risk to their actions.

The people who make the risky financial transactions need to bear a greater risk.

We'll see.

Exactly... This guy fucked up, he made some greedy fucking decisions, and now he's out the door. BUT ooh wait lets give him 10-12 million on his way out as a departure package.


So not only does he waste a fuck ton of company money on a company that is tanking, right before its bought out buy another company. But even though he screwed the new company.... let's give him 12 mil to walk away with?

How is this sane?
Hey, the guy worked hard to get where he is, if you don't like it, become the CEO of the company of your choice and you too can rip off the public.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up and let the rich get richer.
"Worked hard."

:rofl: Naive child.
I swear
We send people to the chair who have done less damage to society than these rich crooks... FRY THEM people.... don't take this shit. Hang em.
1) where does it say $4 billion bonuses?
2) who cares, the CEO didn't take his bonus
3) golden parachutes are nothing new
4) what the hell is a $12 million parachute compared to $15.5 BILLION that the company is posting in ONE QUARTER.
5) choosing to resign isn't illegal, so what should the government investigate or charge him with?
I'm not talking about the bailout. I'm talking about the invisible (nonexistent) hand.
Ah, gotcha.

However, the problem is the lending system in general, not just the regulation or lack thereof. It's too easily corruptible. People are making money off of lending money that they don't even have.
The ease of corruption is an inherent component of all free market schemes. Adam Smith's moral philosophies were fundamentally flawed.