
tribe look like:


and run real slow

i'm on windows 8. am I missing something


updated video drivers, everything is ok now
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using stork's newest release. tribes will open to main screen and then crash 3 seconds later. he thinks it has something to do with my graphics card not handling script gl? funny thing is, i can play any game to date with good settings and have zero crashes.

any advice or ideas in hopes to resolve this crash?

specs: i7 2600k. 16gb ram. 570gx. win7 64.
(latest graphics drivers)
I've had the same problem with Stork's newest config. My graphics card is up to date, can handle script gl. Also, i can't raise my fov higher than 118 in his config without crashing. Seems buggy to me.
ok i have couple of questions:
- are those skies in ur config better than others (better visibility?)
- how did you make those images for weaponhud?

also you chathud seems to be buggy, because it doesn't display messages properly. it looks like messages are delayed for like 10 secs on start and then they don't get updated unless i say something again which bumps last one up; it also displayes only 2 lines.
ok i have couple of questions:
- are those skies in ur config better than others (better visibility?)
- how did you make those images for weaponhud?

also you chathud seems to be buggy, because it doesn't display messages properly. it looks like messages are delayed for like 10 secs on start and then they don't get updated unless i say something again which bumps last one up; it also displayes only 2 lines.

the skies don't hinder visibility as much as my other skies do.
I took SS's of the weapons in-game and then cropped them in photoshop.

can you take an SS for me? I need to see if the chathud is displaying correctly.
there is no reason for it to only display a few lines.

how did you install the config?