can anybody tell me why my tribes 1.4 whatever downloads freeze whenever anybody grabs a flag or randomly

i assume it has something to do with the scripts that are pre installed in the tribes 1.4 i have. but how to fix?
pretty sure its stork tribes, been a while since i downloaded

Are you running Win7? I had this same problem with Tribes 1.3 & 1.4 while on my ASUS laptop w/Win7. I just recently built a new desktop, and the problem has gone away.

I looked at it as some type of drivers issue between Win7 audio and Tribes. Not like anyone is gonna patch it anytime soon :D
hey groove/plasmatic/mav, do u guys have that auto-record demo script? or whatever it used to be? is it included on this config?

i thought checking the X box under record demo would default record demo but it doesn't
checking the X should work, although with the default DemoNamer.acs.cs i think it just uses the timestamp to name the recording

so you're checking the X and nothing appears in your /recordings folder after u drop?
i check the X, but i have to check it every time

i remember i had one config where i didnt have to check the X every time i opened tribes, it just auto-demoed
put this code in autoexec.cs or another file that execs when tribe starts

lemon made it

it will demo drop u every map though

function DemoDrop::Start()
	if ($PlayingDemo)
	Schedule::Add("DemoDrop::SetupDemo();", 1);

function DemoDrop::SetupDemo(%address)
	if ($PlayingDemo)

	$ConnectedToServer = FALSE;

	setCursor(MainWindow, "Cur_Arrow.bmp");


	newObject(ConsoleScheduler, SimConsoleScheduler);


	$recordDemo = true;

	myConnect($Server::Address, $Server::JoinPassword);

$AutoName::Recording = "";
$AutoName::AutoDemo = true;
function setupRecorderFile()
	//returns time in global $time
	$f = AutoName::StripString("("@timestamp::format()@")-"@$PCFG::Name);
	$recorderFileName = "recordings\\" @ $f @ ".rec";

	//autoname stuff
	$AutoName::Stub = $f;
	$AutoName::Dummy = $recorderFileName;
	$AutoName::Recording = true;
	$AutoName::Maps = 0;
	echo("Recording to - " @ $recorderFileName);

function AutoName::Stop()
	if (!$AutoName::Recording || $PlayingDemo || $AutoName::Maps==0)

	%str = "";
	//build a list of the maps we played
	for (%i = 0; %i< $AutoName::Maps; %i++)
		%m = $AutoName::MapList[%i];
		%map = $AutoName::Lookup[ %m ];
		if (%map == "")
			//see if its an lt map
			%lttest = String::GetSubStr(%m, 0, String::Length(%m)-2);
			%map = $AutoName::Lookup[%lttest];
			if ( %map != "" )
				%map = %map @ "-lt";
				%map = %m;
		%str = %str @ "-" @ %map;
	%dst = "Recordings\\" @ $AutoName::Stub @ %str @ ".rec";
	echo ("k/os: Trying to Copy... " @ $AutoName::Dummy @ " to " @ %dst);
	//try to copy the original demo to our new name
	if (File::copy($AutoName::Dummy, %dst))
		echo("k/os: Deleting old recording");
		//delete the old

	if ($AutoName::AutoDemo)

//add new map played
function AutoName::onMissionInfo(%server, %missionName, %ServerMissionType)
	if (!$AutoName::Recording)

	$AutoName::MapList[$AutoName::Maps++ - 1] = String::ToLower( String::Replace(%missionName, "_", "") );

//utility shit
function AutoName::StripString(%str)
	%str = string::replace(%str, "[",  "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, "]",  "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, "<",  "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, ">",  "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, "?",  "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, ":",  "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, "*",  "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, "/",  "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, "\\", "_");
	%str = string::replace(%str, "|",  "_");
	return %str;

function myConnect(%serverIp, %serverPw)
	$Server::Address = %serverIp;
	$Server::JoinPassword = %serverPw;

//map abbreviations to shorten filenames
$AutoName::Lookup["acrophobia"] = "ac";
$AutoName::Lookup["arcticwolf"] = "aw";
$AutoName::Lookup["Avalanche"] = "av";
$AutoName::Lookup["basatinlt"] = "bs";
$AutoName::Lookup["bastardforge"] = "bf";
$AutoName::Lookup["bastardforgeday"] = "bfd";
$AutoName::Lookup["broadside"] = "bs";
$AutoName::Lookup["canyoncrusadedeluxe"] = "ccdx";
$AutoName::Lookup["canyoncrusade"] = "ccd";
$AutoName::Lookup["cloakofnight"] = "con";
$AutoName::Lookup["dayfall"] = "df";
$AutoName::Lookup["dangerouscrossing"] = "dx";
$AutoName::Lookup["desertofdeath"] = "dod";
$AutoName::Lookup["domino"] = "dm";
$AutoName::Lookup["emeraldvalley"] = "ev";
$AutoName::Lookup["hildebrand"] = "hb";
$AutoName::Lookup["icedagger"] = "id";
$AutoName::Lookup["iceridge"] = "ir";
$AutoName::Lookup["integration"] = "int";
$AutoName::Lookup["jaggedclaw"] = "jc";
$AutoName::Lookup["midnightmayhem"] = "mmd";
$AutoName::Lookup["midnightmayhemdeluxe"] = "mmdx";
$AutoName::Lookup["northernlights"] = "nl";
$AutoName::Lookup["obfuscation"] = "obf";
$AutoName::Lookup["raindance"] = "rd";
$AutoName::Lookup["reliquary"] = "rq";
$AutoName::Lookup["rollercoaster"] = "rc";
$AutoName::Lookup["runout"] = "ro";
$AutoName::Lookup["scarabrae"] = "scara";
$AutoName::Lookup["sidewinder"] = "sw";
$AutoName::Lookup["simoom"] = "sm";
$AutoName::Lookup["snowblind"] = "sb";
$AutoName::Lookup["spincycle"] = "sc";
$AutoName::Lookup["starfall"] = "sf";
$AutoName::Lookup["stonehenge"] = "sh";
$AutoName::Lookup["stonehengepub"] = "sh_pub";
$AutoName::Lookup["stonehengecluster"] = "sh_pub";
$AutoName::Lookup["tesseract"] = "tes";
$AutoName::Lookup["timberline"] = "tl";
$AutoName::Lookup["opensnare"] = "os";
$AutoName::Lookup["firenza"] = "fz";
$AutoName::Lookup["teamside"] = "ts";
$AutoName::Lookup["anthill"] = "ant";
$AutoName::Lookup["fogofwar"] = "fow";
$AutoName::Lookup["citadels"] = "cit";
$AutoName::Lookup["adishbestservedcold"] = "dish";
$AutoName::Lookup["hammerdown"] = "hd";
$AutoName::Lookup["bloodyvengeance"] = "bv";
$AutoName::Lookup["siege"] = "siege";

//patch a few things in to always record (covers almost every situation
if ($AutoName::AutoDemo)
	//record demo when clicking join button
	Event::Attach(eventJoinGame, setupRecorderfile);
	//demo drop on map change
	Event::Attach(eventChangeMission, DemoDrop::Start);

	function PlayerSetupNext()
		if ($QuickStart == "TRUE")
			if ($PCFG::Name == "")
			GuiLoadContentCtrl(MainWindow, "gui\\Connect.gui");


Event::Attach(eventMissionInfo, AutoName::onMissionInfo);

//make sure we stop/rename in every possible situation
Event::Attach(eventDisconnected, AutoName::Stop);
Event::Attach(eventConnectionLost, AutoName::Stop);
Event::Attach(eventConnectionTimeout, AutoName::Stop);
Event::Attach(eventExit, AutoName::Stop);
or u can put in its own file and put the filename in autoexec or u can name it .acs.cs which autoexec in andrew configs (1.40)
I'm running windows 8 through parallels on a macbook. For the most part, everything works fine, however I'm getting the mouse acceleration issue [extremely annoying] as well as a weirdly mapped keyboard [ somewhat annoying ] only in the game. "?" maps to "/" and "'" maps to ":"

Any ideas how to fix either of these?
Is this the latest version? Because OP was updated like a year ago.

I have this: TRIBES FTW (Is there any newer version?)

Can please somebody tell me how to change hud, skins, terrain textures (i dowloaded some of them but i don't know how to use them) and in-game keyboard layout for chatting (I think it's American right now).

Last edited:
Updated the original SP1 to remove the FOV setting from config\Modules\sp1.acs.cs, as it was retardedly overriding any FOV settings the client made. (Thanks Groove)
help with tribe by insidious - TribalWar Forums

D4M45T3R 0FM41NFGHWGHDS, This is Tribes 1.40.655, the new release Garage Games was working on before they closed shop.
FTW is a scripted 1.11 that was patched to run on Vista and Win7 before 1.40.655 was leaked.
Fun stuff is easier to add to 1.40.655 than other Tribes versions out there, it's built to run on Win7 and Vista, and it's the newest available.