
I just pulled off the greatest rush in Starcraft 2 history

gathered just enough resources, lifted off my command center, parked it beside the enemy's base and upgraded to planetary fortress
it was pretty hilarious

one of the dudes pulled a ragequit after saying something like 'I HOPE BLIZZARD FIXES THIS'
Even though I think it is pretty obvious arsin=precise=precise2 I noticed they were both online at the same time and decided to see if I could see anything by monitoring each of the account's most recent activity. Personally, I find the results pretty conclusive.

2.09 viewing other thread
2.10 viewing other thread
2.11 editing sig
2.12 viewing other thread
2.13 CP (cant remember what this was meant to symbolise to me - I was drunk)
2.14 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.17 replying to arsin/precise thread
2.19 replying to arsin/precise thread
2.20 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.21 replying to arsin/precise thread
2.24 viewing other thread
2.31 viewing other thread
2.39 viewing other thread
logged out with last activity at 2.46

2.09 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.12 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.16 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.20 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.25 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.31 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.43 viewing arsin/precise thread
logged out with last activity at 2.46

So, to me, it appears that he was logged in on the precise account and was keeping up to date on the arsin/precise thread with it and was using the arsin account to read the rest of the forum. Although when he was replying to the arsin/precise thread he never actually posted it.

This info is 2 days old as I have been super busy at work.
I was drunk and bored when I did this.
Even though I think it is pretty obvious arsin=precise=precise2 I noticed they were both online at the same time and decided to see if I could see anything by monitoring each of the account's most recent activity. Personally, I find the results pretty conclusive.

2.09 viewing other thread
2.10 viewing other thread
2.11 editing sig
2.12 viewing other thread
2.13 CP (cant remember what this was meant to symbolise to me - I was drunk)
2.14 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.17 replying to arsin/precise thread
2.19 replying to arsin/precise thread
2.20 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.21 replying to arsin/precise thread
2.24 viewing other thread
2.31 viewing other thread
2.39 viewing other thread
logged out with last activity at 2.46

2.09 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.12 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.16 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.20 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.25 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.31 viewing arsin/precise thread
2.43 viewing arsin/precise thread
logged out with last activity at 2.46

So, to me, it appears that he was logged in on the precise account and was keeping up to date on the arsin/precise thread with it and was using the arsin account to read the rest of the forum. Although when he was replying to the arsin/precise thread he never actually posted it.

This info is 2 days old as I have been super busy at work.
I was drunk and bored when I did this.

creepy and awkward and doesn't prove anything other then you being a weirdo.
wouldnt have a clue if they logged in at the same time. Just saw that they were online.

Creepy would be getting the initital info, just looking at their profile pages over a 40 minute period was just out of interest to see if the information supplied was legit.
what would be creepy about that?

it doesnt prove anything but it certainly suggests something.

uh, you looked at 2 diff people's profile pages for around 40 minutes, making a note of what they were doing at specific intervals. Nothing creepy about that though.
but it contributed heavily to the investigation, so im willing to let this one slide
it was 2 o'clock in the morning and it didnt really take a hell of alot of concentration or coordination.
i dont believe he was drunk, that's just one of those things people say to avoid shame for doing something creepy and awkward

"i was drunk when i took that picture"
"i was drunk when i made that thread"
"i was drunk when i stared at two posters' profiles and took detailed notes for the better part of an hour"
well I do stupid shit like that when I'm drunk

shit, I even spent 3 hours on E trying to get a sub-40 time on solitaire