
Thats why I have to spend ninety percent of my time convincing an internet message board of how cool i am.

mrraahhh my name's Odio mrahhh I wish I was cool like you Obibun but I'm not even close so I'm just going to be antagonistic because it makes me feel better mraaaahhhhhhhhhh

obibun if we agree that you're right will you stop posting?

dude I think it's so awesome that your internet signature has Baby Bew's name in it and a dog

you truly are an e-celebrity
it's funny because you think I'm angry

only a nerd who gets angry on the internet would assume people actually get angry on the internet

which means..

oh wait I already called you that lol

I can hear you angry typing from here, man. You need to just relax. Go crack open a cold one and polish your BMW belt.
mraaahhh old tired insult mrahhh I'm trying to play it cool but I've managed to remember something specific from almost 5 years ago about somebody I don't know on the internet mrahhhhhh
oh what no witty response to that one? lol

go play WoW or watch anime or whatever it is you nerds do these days

back in a bit I'm going to make soup
Frantically pressing F5 to see my next epic response, then getting upset when there isn't one.
Frantically pressing F5 to see my next epic response, then getting upset when there isn't one.

this is the best you could come up with considering all the time you had?

mraaahhh come on nerd you can do better mrahhhh

seeing as you're no good with women, I would at least expect you to be good at antagonizing people on the internet

but apparently you just fail at life in general

mrahhh wish I could talk to laaadies mrahhh
Talking to girls on MSN doesn't count as talking to ladies.

The hell it doesn't.
