Are you the person you're always going to be?

Zombee said:
No, you're loyal.

ive also taken my 82 volvo and did donuts on the beach at night, and even got in the water on accident.

although that was fun, im still enjoying blissful stupidity as well
At my age I dont think I will change. I would like to change some personal habits but thats a hard thing to do.

Learning new things daily make huge changes to the way I am (for instance, spending 2 hours fixing a car that wouldn't start today).

I wouldn't want to stay the same either, because that would mean you've given up on learning anything new..
I really dont think most people stay the same simply because you have a brain. Your brain learns and you change accordingly... if you get a lot of speeding tickets you will most likely drive slower. If you get dumped by someone you love in a relationship you will most likely be more suspicious of girls. And so on...

I know i am not the same person i was 3 years ago...
A turnup once said,"Never turndown the opportunity to grow. If you do pass up you may pass on like the living impaired. Plainting people never grows a family tree. So get your mind out of the graveyard and into the bug light of life. You will only ZAP if you fly into you own stupidity.
Live up the moment
Fry Guy
My friends say I've changed alot in the past year. Mostly I think because of some new friends I've made and women I've gone through things with lately. However I'm still very much the same person I always was.

I think a person stays the same after a certain point, however their views or habits do indeed change over time. If that makes any sense. Probably doesnt, sorry about that...