Are you the person you're always going to be?

Zombee said:
That's a very good point. Although I could be pleased with the way I am, but then my house could burn down, and I'd become a bitter, resentful old man.

its your job to be satisfied with your life and accomplishments rather than your possesions.
Zombee said:
Oh hell no. I mean, there's no real motive here. I'm just curious. I mean maybe it'll be a little bit of insight to who is really like they are on this forum irl, for example. There's a few people around here that act like complete assholes, but have shown themselves to be the opposite irl.

Ah, well I was a little on edge. I just went to the convenience store and the clerk and some dude were talking about how we're "nearing the end." And that there have been "more wars, disease, natural disasters in the last couple of years than the last 300 years." I would have rained on their parade, but I just wanted to pay for my pepsi and frozen pizza and leave. :shrug:
orox said:
thats like asking if your ever going to grow up you moron. you cant ask someone when they grew up it just happens

Ya like when your mother use to say you were behaving better yet in your mind you hadnt done shit different.
asking a person to describe themself is like asking a blind man to describe himself in front of a mirror

we're blind to ourselves.

the best gauges of change are people who are close family or friends that havent seen you in a few years.
Well, it's actually kind of funny, because I've realized that first off, I'm not at all like I come across on these forums. I mean if you were to look through all my posts, you'd think I was like Sybil. But I'm actually a pretty even person. But sometimes I look back at some of my posts, and think, "That was me 5 years ago". I mean having kids for instance changes the way you are in life, and makes you strive to be a different person for different reasons.
orox said:
Wow, what a fucking moron.

So you're trying to tell me that you're as faithful as Job, eh? (With or without the religious parts.) Part of your accomplishments are your possessions. There's nothing wrong with being proud of that, only when it gets to the point that it's all you care about.
Zombee said:
Well, it's actually kind of funny, because I've realized that first off, I'm not at all like I come across on these forums. I mean if you were to look through all my posts, you'd think I was like Sybil. But I'm actually a pretty even person. But sometimes I look back at some of my posts, and think, "That was me 5 years ago". I mean having kids for instance changes the way you are in life, and makes you strive to be a different person for different reasons.

No one pays that much attention to anyone on these forums unless you've met them. :chill:
WarBuddha said:
No one pays that much attention to anyone on these forums unless you've met them. :chill:
You'd think that, but at the same time, we have people who stalk on this board. Take Logroller's post. He's bringing something up that was discussed in a thread months ago. Can I remember anything you've said in the past week even? No. I put people on the forum into two catagories. So I look at your post, and immediately expect it to be worth reading, whereas someone else, I may breeze over, because of something they've said before that's made me think it would be a waste of my time to read what they have to say now.
Ixiterra said:
So you're trying to tell me that you're as faithful as Job, eh? (With or without the religious parts.) Part of your accomplishments are your possessions. There's nothing wrong with being proud of that, only when it gets to the point that it's all you care about.

I'm not a religious person at all . Its not problem to be satisfied with your possesions - but you need to be able to survive and be happy even without them. Suppose i make an invention - make 1 mil - buy a house with all the money - house burns down. I will be satisfied with the accomplishments of making an invention and would be able to be the same person even if i do lose the 1mil and my house.
Im amazed at some of the shit people remember on this board. I often wonder if they have a TW journal somewhere. :)
i usually act as a bodyguard for my friends, both verbal and physical. I dont like seeing harm come to people i care for, and will protect them as best i can. but hey, im young and dumb so what can i say
PsioniX said:
i usually act as a bodyguard for my friends, both verbal and physical. I dont like seeing harm come to people i care for, and will protect them as best i can. but hey, im young and dumb so what can i say
No, you're loyal.