Apparently Colosus got made producer on Firefall

ya so obviously we have to scarlet letter the tubs with pedophilia?

why cant he just be a fatass who ripped off a couple thousand $$$ and leave it at that.
i dont understand why we cant just point and laugh at the idiots ie kurayami/colossus/fourstar/tehvul/scooby

why do yall insist on ostracizing them to the point they just leave? Just kills content...

its obviously a rhetorical question. Dare/dp/kitty and their clique just gotta have that e-ttention
He's been a producer for awhile...i believe for over a year. I don't get why you nerds hate him so much.....when rayn was away, he took care of TW. TW wouldn't be here today without him.

when rayn was away colosus banned me for posting 'niger'

he also ripped off a bunch of people's donation money so he could unsuccessfully try to get laid.

worthless fat cunt