Anyone see Last Airbender yet?

*shrug* I'm 21 and I would rather see TS3 over the abomination that is Avatar. Most of the animated films from pixar/dreamworks are awesome no matter what age you are.
Why would that make me a bad parent..You guys sound like you do not have kids. :eek:

Why does your son being in a wheelchair have any thing to do with his success so far in his life?

Sounds like a troll, but it's really not.. is he mentally handicapped or just physically?
fucking ridiculously terrible

remember Tropic Thunder? remember when they had the "fake" movie commercials in the movie, and how terrible those were? well... i felt it was watching a full length movie about those.

this is what my buddy soggy said and i agree 100%

its beyond joking about its so bad. in fact, even talking about it in a negative way gives it a lick of justice, which i do not condone
Why does your son being in a wheelchair have any thing to do with his success so far in his life?

that confused me too, but it did have the added/unintentional benefit of me picturing the wheelchair kid joining the rest of the siblings to kick the shit out of yetskii for suggesting the family goes to see toy story 3 instead of the last airbender
Why would that make me a bad parent..You guys sound like you do not have kids. :eek:
If you have to ask why that would make you a bad parent, it's not worth the time explaining it. You wouldn't understand anyway.

The fact that you explained how academically advanced your daughter is as a defense, only exemplifies my point. I'm guessing you also think as long as a parent loves a child, the child is in good hands, right?

Nah, fuck it, not worth a debate. Just pretend I'm a random ignorant asshole and ignore my post.
Just pretend I'm a random ignorant asshole

Things that would've made the movie better - a work in progress:
  1. Start the movie exactly like the cartoon (it explains the world in about 13 sec). Then people would know wtf was happening. I've see the cartoon, but if I hadn't I'd have been confused.
  2. Don't fuck with names.
  3. Air bending or a dance that ends with wind? If you can't tell the difference, you made a shitty movie. The elemental martial arts make the show cool. Why would you fuck that up?
  4. Actors that can act. If you're going to deal with all the racial scandal stuff at least pick good actors. These kids delivered lines on par with the school play. (shitty fyi)
  5. A director that can direct his own ass out of a paper bag.
I guess I'm just not as harsh on movies as soon. I thought it was okay.

Toy Story 3 was awesome too.
the last airbender is the worst movie ive seen in a long time. note that i didnt pay for it, i went to a screening or i'd be especially pissed. as it is i already feel insulted for having sat through it

a rough list
+ dev patel and the uncle are good, solid, fine actors

- everyone else in the movie is utter shit

+ movie looks good, although to many effects on screen a lot of the time, the effects are overall great

- the acting is worse than an after school tbs special. it's seriously past the point of groan worthy, it's some of the worst acting i've ever seen

- the girl in the movie, aangs romantic interest, her only purpose is to say 'lets go' or to interrupt aang as soon as he starts to meditate. look bitch, i said i need a little while okay?

- the writing is literally at a 1st to 2nd grade level. everything is so over explained, in such simple words that you feel like you're being beat in the head by a mallet

- the first 30-40 mins of the movie have every bad child actor in the movie explain to you, the audience: there are 4 elements represented by nations, the fire one is bad and wants to kill everyone. there's this kid that can control all the elements called the avatar, that's aang. -- it literally takes shymalan 40mins to explain that.

- Overly long. It goes nowhere at all times. It's never made clear what any characters motivation is.

- There's one intersting character in the movie, the blue spirit. He's used for 5 minutes then the reveal the identity of the blue spirit. This is equivalent of having Bobba Fett show up, unmasking him, then never showing him again.

- The ending is terrifying. It goes to Zuko's sister and she's assigned a mission.. this moment of dread washes over you as you've already sat through two hours of bad acting bullshit and now there's a new bad character with an entire mission to undertake. Thankfully the credits roll at that point. Crisis averted.
My kids are 18,14 and 12..they would gang up on me and kick my ass if I took em to see toy story.

Why? It's a really good movie.

I went to see it with my girlfriend. She's 21 and I'm 25. My sister's all saw it together--31, 29, 27. My dad and my mom even saw it after we all told them to go see it.

My girlfriend's brother and his his girlfriend went to see it last night. They are 18 and 17. Her younger brother is 15 and he saw it with his friends even.

My point is: Toy Story is a great movie for all ages.
- the first 30-40 mins of the movie have every bad child actor in the movie explain to you, the audience: there are 4 elements represented by nations, the fire one is bad and wants to kill everyone. there's this kid that can control all the elements called the avatar, that's aang. -- it literally takes shymalan 40mins to explain that.
I don't really understand how you can fuck that up. The cartoon literally does it in 45 seconds.

Avatar The Last Air Bender (intro)
So, I just saw a DVD screener....or about 25 minutes of it. Holy cinnamon titty licking Christ is this movie horrible. Some of the absolute worst writing and acting I've ever seen in a movie, and I've seen some pretty shitty movies.

Can we please take away M. Night Shamalandingdong's directing license away or something? Maybe lock him away in a "how to make a decent film" prison/school?

Jesus christ. I'm still in shock at how bad this movie is...and from reading this thread it doesn't get any better.