anyone own a duck? i want to get a duck


Veteran XX
Runner ducklings/Goseling

i want the chocolate one, he'd be my lil nigger duck. i live right across the street from a pond so i think it could work out. anyone on here have ducks? what should i feed it? i'll prolly get a book and read up on them this weekend. my plan is to keep it at home for the first month or two and care for it then introduce him to the pond. hopefully he would still remember who took care of him as a duckling and come back to me to hang out from time to time.
well i have a fenced back yard and i think with a regular feeding schedule i could kind of control the defecation times
I had a duck as a kid.

Don't remember much other then the mess he would make if you keep them confined. Lastly they get sick and disease easily. It was an alright pet...


Feedings - they sell stuff at feed stores around my area.. maybe because its a bunch of farm land around me. can't remember what it was since my dad would buy it for me.
i could build him protection. my roomate has a dog though and i'm kinda worried that if he makes friends with the dog he wouldn't be scared of the coyotes/foxs that sometimes venture to the pond
My parents recently moved. Their new place has a little (like 5 sqft) pond pool in the back yard that 3 ducks chill in every morning. They think the last owners fed them, because they will strut around their door quacking like they want food. They have dogs though, so I'm guessing the ducks will give up after being chased away a few times...
only kinda duck i'd own. their more quiet this way.
goto a farm/tractor supply store and buy a few ducklings for about $20, they will follow you around and shit everywhere, but are really cool and annoying little bastards
I would think with all the people who throw bread at it that feeding it would be a waste of money.
You should buy a couple of them and raise them in the pond. Just feed them every morning and they should hang out.
actually when i was a kid i had some ducks

we built a very large enclosure for them with 2x4s and wire mesh. it worked fine. we fed them bird seed. we let them go when they got too big. but seriously, they need to be in something or they will absolutely get eaten.