anyone know any really smart really religious people

I don't believe in God because I was brought up to, I believe in him from what I have read from the Bible and the evidence of his existence I see everyday.
11 out of 12 people believe what one or both of their parents believe. This means that there are inevitably going to be very intelligent people on all sides of the argument.

:rofl: what a tool

Poe's Law. As a Christian (incoming irony) and a geology student, I have a hard time dealing with other Christians who insist that they are infallible and so is the Bible. As was mentioned above, I probably wouldn't be a Christian if it weren't for my upbringing.

If an ancient text (or our interpretation of it) happens to disagree with the revelation of the natural world, should we distrust our firsthand experience with God's handiwork? Or should we question the centuries of fallible human translation, tranliteration, and misplaced cultural context which may have found it's way into revelatory text?

I can't remember where that's from(possibly another TeeDubber, though not necessarily from TW), but it pretty much sums up my thoughts.
I don't believe in God because I was brought up to, I believe in him from what I have read from the Bible and the evidence of his existence I see everyday.
See, there seems to be a fundamental difference between what a believer and a non-believer take as 'evidence'. If all this anecdotal evidence that believers proclaim were actually evidence then how could I not be convinced when you present it to me?

The best I've seen is bananas and reminders that we don't yet have explanations for certain things.
One of the unusual things about irrational thought (religion, esp, ufos, miracle healing, etc) is that its fairly insensitive to IQ and education level.

While it definitely does go down, say between a hs student and a recent PhD, it doesn't go down as much as you might think.

I know several very famous physicists who are also evangelical xtians... This in a field thats dominated by hardcore atheists.
See, there seems to be a fundamental difference between what a believer and a non-believer take as 'evidence'. If all this anecdotal evidence that believers proclaim were actually evidence then how could I not be convinced when you present it to me?

The best I've seen is bananas and reminders that we don't yet have explanations for certain things.
You do know that it's a complete waste of time to "argue" with someone as dumb as RamataKhan, right?
Most of my friends that read the glorious works of L. Ron Hubbard are some of the smartest people I have ever met. Maybe you should talk to them
Some masters programs are 2 years, true. pretty much all my friends who got masters did it in a single year after their bachelors, as thats how the programs were all designed. A couple did it in 2, because thats how the programs at the schools they went to were designed. And these are all engineers.
In any event, bragging about taking 5 yrs when its not uncommon (and tons of schools have technical masters programs designed around 1 yr degrees), and most people would do it in 6 max, is kinda silly. If she did bach/phd in 5 yrs id be impressed.


for example, from the MIT webpage on the mechanical engineering masters program:
"The Master of Engineering degree is a 12-month professional degree"
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