anyone know any really smart really religious people

define really smart. My roommate is a computer science grad student and he is really religious. Does that count?
Yes, I do. I also know some really stupid ones.

Likewise for other people all along the spectrum to atheist.

Are you desperately seeking some sort of nonexistent correlation?
There are plenty smart religious people. They just don't talk about their beliefs to you, because they know better.

I remember the smartest teacher at my high school, chemistry, no one really liked the guy as a teacher but he was smart as fuck, knew everything. Someone asked him one time if he believed in god.. he replied, "I look forward to using my Golden chemistry set in the sky."
academically smart or common sense/logic?

There are plenty smart religious people. They just don't talk about their beliefs to you, because they know better.

I remember the smartest teacher at my high school, chemistry, no one really liked the guy as a teacher but he was smart as fuck, knew everything. Someone asked him one time if he believed in god.. he replied, "I look forward to using my Golden chemistry set in the sky."

Sounds like he falls under the category of academically smart. I think commonsensical/logical people are more likely to be agnostic/atheist than religious.

In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the average IQ of atheists/agnostics is quite a bit higher than religious folk, not to say there aren't extremes on both sides.
Eh, not really. I know where you're coming from, but he was wise enough not to try and convert kids over to religion. I'd say that says a lot about his common sense.

Also, that's quite a logical leap to say that religious preference(or lack thereof) has a correlation with an IQ rating.

(ps, i'm agnostic, i'm just playing devil's advocate)
I know 1 person that I would classify as uber smart and also uber religious. The pastor at my parents church has 3 or 4 PhDs and one of them is in something nuts like physics. He speaks several languages (italian, french, latin, etc) & knows ancient greek and hebrew. He is genuinely intelligent. He knows more about religion, christianity, islam, buddhism, etc that anyone I have ever met, and he's a devout christian.

He's just not in your face about religion. You'd really never know he was anything other than a really nice, smart, funny guy unless you asked him.
the intelligent ones don't try to shove it in your face, because they know better

this is true with all belief systems, and intelligent people

if you come across someone trying to shove their beliefs down your throat, it's because they are insecure about their beliefs, and hence, stupid

They say some of the most brilliant minds in the world are, in fact, religious.

Not crazy batshit JESUS SAVES ALL religious, moreso just having faith in general.. but from what I've heard from my friends who study physics, astrophysics, etc. and all those crazy ass space physics degrees.. after you devote your entire life to studying shit like that, most of which makes no sense whatsoever and just seems to be endless, you start to believe that there must be something out there.
You're likely to just believe whatever your parents told you to believe, great mind or not. Sad how manipulable humans are. :sunny:

However I think it's more likely that genuinely intelligent people will eventually stop believing in superstitions such as ghosts, magical divine creators, etc.