anyone else piss in the sink

I hope none of you are *zany* attention whore kind of people who would come to a party at someone they kind of know's house and then try to make a scene pissing in my kitchen sink with a dozen people around. Throwing parties is already too much fucking work with all the next-day-bathroom/ patio-vomit cleaning and what have you. The last thing I need is some misguided soul trying to impress a girl by peeing in a sink.
ive definitly done it like 5 times at least... mostly because i HAD to... probably other times to piss people off... i dunno... mostly because it had to happen tho
Why the fuck would you piss in the sink when there is a toilet right next to it? Am I missing something?
i have pissed in a sink before

i havent shit in the shower, but i've seen someone else's shit in a shower
it happened multiple times; we couldnt figure out who was doing it, so we named him the "phantom shitter"
my buddy jason does this. he claims he does it to avoid piss-splatter. he's 6'4 about 275 and a bounty hunter. so, i don't argue the point much with him.

also any guy who says he is going to "pee" is watchlisted.
Ettiquette requires that you first remove the dishes.
There's a movie with that in it (similar anyway) that I recently watched...

The guy was trying to get the lady (wife?) out of his apartment? Or get her to leave or something?

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
What happens in Vegas

Sink pissing is pretty fucking gross. Shower shitting is just plain unsanitary and stupid. How fucking lazy are you people.
What happens in Vegas

Sink pissing is pretty fucking gross. Shower shitting is just plain unsanitary and stupid. How fucking lazy are you people.

if you try to shit outside of it when you are in the shower then you have to whipe your wet soapy shity ass and it is fairly in effective