anyone else piss in the sink

i've done it at my grandmas house once. I was watching tv in her kitchen and didn't want to miss anything.
Well seeing as I do a lot of stuff involving my face, mouth, and hair around the sink, I tend to just piss in the toilet, which is conveniently right next to the sink.

I do, however, piss in other people's sinks.
I prefer to piss in the sink because it's at the same level as my penis. I run some water while I do it, though.
i dont even have to pee before i get into the shower, but once i'm in, the urine flows. i can't control it at all anymore.
you have all amused and disgusted the girls that I am having new years dinner with. This thread has sparked some great table debate.
This reminds me.

When I moved into my apartment this year, my roommates arrived a few days earlier than I had. It's a four bedroom, two bathroom apartment. One bathroom for each pair of rooms.

Apparently on day one, when they didn't have any supplies or toiletries, one of them took a shit before realizing there was no toilet paper, and cleaned it off in the shower. The problem is that this was my bathroom and not his.

Thanks for reminding me, I have to beat the crap out of him next time I see him. Or take a shit in his shower.
i shit in the shower... its the one thing i havent admitted to my wife yet :p:

it even inspired my first wow arena team name: "aim for the drain"