Any WV TWers?


Veteran XV
In January my contract with T-Mobile is up, and I can move to a carrier that works in WV when I go visit my family. Any TWers from the Clarksburg area that can recommend a service provider that actually works out there? I got family in Clarksburg and Good Hope, so one that works in both places would be ideal. So far Verizon is looking like the one I'll have to go with, but I don't really like their selection in phones.
I was using my Nextel up in Clarksburg and had no problems. My friend has family in the area. I will see what they use.
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FittyTuck said:
I was using my Nextel up in Clarksburg and had no problems. My friend has family in the area. I will see what they use.

Thanks, the family I have up there is too redneck to get cell phones :(
I live near Huntington and I use AT&T. I've gotten great service all over the state, can't think of a place where I didn't, except maybe in a deep valley or something.
CxD said:
i have a jeep im just to scared I'll break something...

Well if you ever do decide to go bang it around, one suggestion will be to take off any sidesteps you may have. I learned that the hard way :(
We have US Cellular and provided we can stay in our minutes, we like it fine. However, we will be shopping around when our contract expires. If the person is staying on the beaten path here - which means on or near town and the I-79 corridor - then they really can look at other companies, like Nextel, Sprint, and a local provider, Intelos. If they are not staying on the beaten path, then they will probably want US Cellular or Cellular One. Most people I know use Cellular One for one contract term and then leave them. We basically don't like them. Their coverage is better for some people, but their service is lousy. My boss has Sprint PSC and he takes it up and down the east coast and usually has service. So, I guess I'm not a great deal of help. But, some info. Also, Verizon is moving into our market, but I am not familiar with their service plans. Because of our terrain and lack of towers, it really does depend where the person will be traveling, if at all, and where they plan to live.
20oz said:
Well if you ever do decide to go bang it around, one suggestion will be to take off any sidesteps you may have. I learned that the hard way :(
lol that sucks. ive got nice side steps too. I took it out on the beach once, that was pretty fun. Its a 95 4 cylinder so its not to powerful, but its still fun.
i had to read the title of this thread like 5 times to get it right

i kept reading any VW TWers