Any exchange admin using 2007 yet?

On a similiar note to you mobile nerds - I just upgraded to Vista yesterday at work and found Active Sync is gone. You have to get Windows Mobile Control Center. You can download it from M$ - it didn't install by default for me (Vista Business).

I did this and my blackjack is fucked right now. I have no clue what the hell is going on. It could be unrelated but all of a sudden the sync errors are saying that the exchange server cant be reached.

Activesync has a bit to do before catching up with blackberry, there is Samsung "Good" software to help better control mobile devices but exchange 2007 hopefully will be a bit more friendly in mobile device control.

Your error could be modem related. You may just want to setup a secondary dialout modem... of course it all depends on your setup, but that is what our Treo's were doing during our mobile demo.
at the MS event they were using a 32 bit version, but he said they werent making it publically available because it was intended for "testing"
I did this and my blackjack is fucked right now. I have no clue what the hell is going on. It could be unrelated but all of a sudden the sync errors are saying that the exchange server cant be reached.

Activesync has a bit to do before catching up with blackberry, there is Samsung "Good" software to help better control mobile devices but exchange 2007 hopefully will be a bit more friendly in mobile device control.

BES is definitely the bar to hit. But Activesync has come a long way. I can't offhand think of anything you can do with BES that you can not do with Exchange sp2 and the latest windows mobile. The most glaring thing is not being able to lock or wipe the handheld directly from the Exchange System Manager, you have to use a separate tool to do it.

Am i missing something?
Usually Ill figure things out for myself but I have zero tolerance when it comes to mobile phones for some reason