Another cop shoots and kills a dangerous criminal

Cops deal with the scum of society daily

A lot of them are are the scum of society. This particular case, i don't know enough details about, other than this particular officer has killed before in a tense situation. Justified? Maybe. Thug with a badge? Probably.

My one character flaw which also rears it's ugly head at work sometimes is i can't stand those that abuse their authority.

police dont make laws protecting themselves from the consequences of being dumbasses.

thats the job of your state legislature

right. when calling police dept "corrupt" that usually implies other parties involved or else there's nothing to be corrupt about... if the police are just a revenue generating service, who are they generating it for? obviously not themselves unless they were pocketing the entirety of the tickets they issue. considering their role in society as revenue collectors, the state legislature and the police are basically one as far as their roles in determining how the police are run

Calx and ThrillKillKult:
Do you two have any stories from personal experience or close friends/family pertaining to police corruption? It just sounds like something awful happened to you guys, and it's probably a good story.

i just live in a very populated area (southern california) and there's a shitload of cops here. i know plenty of active cops, and many more who went through the academy and quit at some point early in their career for various reasons.

just as a regular citizen in a populated area with lots of police it's funny the "common knowledge" you pick up about cops even as a high school kid: they'll steal your weed, don't tell them shit, cops like to hide here on the last couple days of the month to get their ticket quotas, don't mess with her cuz her dad's a cop and he'll fuck with you, etc.

maybe i'm an idealist but i don't think any of those things are supposed to be true if the idea of police was executed correctly

honestly, even without that stuff, the single fact that cops are not treated equally to regular citizens by the courts and their fellow police is all i need to know to confirm my belief that our police don't provide good for our society. honestly i'm pretty sure in a cop-less world the criminals would be more civil. cops and those who support them like to pretend the world is rampant with lowlifes that will just randomly attack and rob anyone but it's just.. such an incorrect and bigoted idea. every criminal came from somewhere.