[ANNOUNCEMENT] We're getting married.

this thread's still going :lol:

I think some of you need to go out and get a life instead of whining about, bitching about, and criticizing piotrr's
Good, maybe we can team up and find a woman who's age is equal to the sum of ours and be as cool as the granny fucker
Aestis said:
I'm calling total bullshit on you being with other women. There's no way a super dorky looking wannabe goth like you has ever gotten laid, except maybe with desperate fat chicks.

so, sweetcheeks, how many have you been with...

that you didn't have to rent off the internet?

D-Sect said:
Yeah - People here think 26 is old and get married and then add to that divorce statistic..
Yea, I never said it was a good thing to jump into things. What I'm saying here is that I am not jumping into anything. I don't know how experienced 26 year olds are where you live, or what kind of 26 year olds you have met, but I'm not one of them. I realize you want somehow make it into an identification thing, but seriously.. just because you're 32 and haven't found someone you want to put up with for life doesn't mean you're any better or any worse off than I am. That's right for you, if you're comfortable with it. I'm comfortable with this, and I'm as certain as I can possibly be that this is what I want to do.. or I would not do it.

You don't know me, so you'll just have to take that from me on my word.

D-Sect said:
Friends call me the "smart one" when it comes to marriage.
I'm glad you still feel that way. I have friends your age and up towards 38 who start to think that comment tastes more and more bitter the more they hear it. It ain't pretty.

D-Sect said:
I'm glad you aren't hopping into the "first thing" you've found, regardless of age.. That never goes good, but you can't blame me for thinking that - you know, this shit coming from a fucking video game board and all.. The "A-Typical chump factory".
No, I can't blame you.. in fact, your comments are some of the most well-put concerns I've heard in this thread so far... I'm not comparing to the catcalls, I'm comparing to the congratulations. So I'm gonna say thank you for voicing your concern and asking the questions. I have thought about it. Now you take care too, okay?
Aestis said:
Good, maybe we can team up and find a woman who's age is equal to the sum of ours and be as cool as the granny fucker

As long as you don't mind the smell and taste of vinegar and water.
I'm not bitter towards women. I just don't take shit from anyone, so why take shit from a life support system for a vagina when I can cook and beat off and fuck average looking girls with low self-esteem?

(ps - "compromise" to me is taking shit - I got my own good thing)
D-Sect said:
I'm not bitter towards women. I just don't take shit from anyone, so why take shit from a life support system for a vagina when I can cook and beat off and fuck average looking girls with low self-esteem?
I didn't think you were... you figured I meant you WILL grow bitter? Wll, it's happened to people I know, but people are different. The attitude is the most important factor in whether or not that's gonna happen.

The biggest thing that makes these people bitter is that they actually DO want what their friends have, but they come up with arguments against it and act as if .. well, or they don't even really know they do want it. And then that conflict in that what they want is exactly what they pretend not to want catches up with them and they project the feeling outwards, onto others, onto women, onto "the system" or "the game" or whatever.

I wasn't saying you were one of them. I was saying you sound much better off than that.

D-Sect said:
(ps - "compromise" to me is taking shit - I got my own good thing)
That's all you need. Good attitude.
I like how anyone who thinks that someone marrying a bitch OLDER than his mother is funny and deserves to be flamed is obviously "bitter"
Aestis said:
Or that I have a great time making fun of swedish granny fuckers, which is far more likely

But it's so defensive, rehashed, monotonous..... it's like you're fighting for survival. You've run out of material.

Aestis said:
I like how anyone who thinks that someone marrying a bitch OLDER than his mother is funny and deserves to be flamed is obviously "bitter"

What's it matter? You're saying you've always dated people the exact same age as you? I'm 22 and my girlfriend's 18 (turns 19 in november), am I some sort of freak as well?

If it was funny, it'd be different. But it's not, it just comes off as a desperate cry for attention. It's almost as if you've become gofishgrrl.
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This part of the battle might be over, but the war continues. Wait for the "We decided not to get married" thread in a couple of weeks and we will pick it all up from there
Vampire said:
But it's so defensive, rehashed, monotonous..... it's like you're fighting for survival. You've run out of material.

What's it matter? You're saying you've always dated people the exact same age as you? I'm 22 and my girlfriend's 18 (turns 19 in november), am I some sort of freak as well?

If it was funny, it'd be different. But it's not, it just comes off as a desperate cry for attention. It's almost as if you've become gofishgrrl.
22 and 18 is JUST like 26 and 52

4 years old... you were still playing with fisher price when she was born. She was 30 when he was born. That's a granny fucker