animal lovers yes/no?

$1k/yr per dog doesn't seem too bad. Just our annual vet visit with shots is ~$250. Add in flea, tick, heartworm medicine at around $150/quarter.
Luna checking in.

Two years ago:

Yesterday at the vet:
Why give your pets that flea treatment regularly?

Obviously, that's what the direction say so you basically subscribe yourself to it. Just do flea treatment when you see fleas and you will save money and your pet won't be as dosed up.

That’s some really desperate statistical reaching to make yourself feel more secure about your race gay boi
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Why give your pets that flea treatment regularly?

Obviously, that's what the direction say so you basically subscribe yourself to it. Just do flea treatment when you see fleas and you will save money and your pet won't be as dosed up.

we use those pills that are flea, tick and heartworm all in one
Not in a sexual way.

I got into a discussion at work over being a pet lover or not.

I love dogs and cats, I've had one or the other (or both) most of my life. I've never bought a dog, I usually pick them up from the pound, or free puppies box on the side of the road. I don't like pure breds, they typically have too many medical issues due to in-breeding/over-breeding.

But I don't ever treat them like humans. They are not fur babies. If a pet has more than a couple hundred dollars worth of medical bills, time to take them to the pound, or put down if warranted. Not going to shed a tear - there are plenty of replacements out in the world to choose from. It's just an animal, not a part of the family. I don't give them human names. Well, I did once to a snake, I called him Floyd, from an old hudson and landry comedy skit.

Didn't matter, he never came when I called him.

So, anyway, co-workers said I wasn't a dog lover. I don't agree. I just don't see the point of spending thousands of dollars on a pet.

The most intelligent dog breeds were created by white people:

Dog Intelligence Ranking: A List Of The Smartest Canine Breeds In 2022

Bottom of the list? Afghan Hound.

Yeah, those lists always put dogs like poodles at or near the top of the lists, but poodles are for flaming homosexuals. Sorry, I want a manly dog like a GSD who will be willing to ward off approaching danger, not collapse into a puddle of neurotic spasms pissing all over itself.

Caught a glimpse of the AKC show on TV last week, poodle grooming was, to put it mildly, fucking stupid.
Continuous medication seems a bit much. That's more medical care than the average child gets.

This is like my dentist thread. I bet people who go to the dentist every 6 months because they are suppose to also dose their dogs every month.
Continuous medication seems a bit much. That's more medical care than the average child gets.

This is like my dentist thread. I bet people who go to the dentist every 6 months because they are suppose to also dose their dogs every month.

I think it depends. If your dog spends any time outdoors, it's going to get fleas, at least where I live. Monthly prevention would be prudent then, unless you've treated your yard as well. I think it would be easier to just drug up the dog instead of spending the time and effort to keep the entire indoor/outdoor environment clean.
Starting and stopping is just fine. Flea populations take a bit of time to get going. You always see a few early. Do people still dose their dogs in the winter?

Would you yourself want to take continuous preventative medication your whole life for anything? This medication could very well only be used after a problem turns up, but I think because they include those bossy little calendars in the packaging I think everyone here takes it as some kind of authority. It's weird. These medication standards are higher than you'd apply to your family members. If you heard the neighbor continuously doses their kid with anti-lice pills despite not having lice you'd be horrified.
Gandalf, you sound very insecure about your masculinity. So you need a manly dog to feel manly? You think if you played with a poodle that you’d be feeling the urge to suck a cock?
Here is what I learnt growin' up
Girls won't like you if you throw a sizable rock at a seagull
and surprisingly you hit it..
even if it gets itself up and flies away
I have been humane to animals ever since