AMD Radeon R9 290X

y is przn talking smack about lightboost vs gsync like they are radically different

lightboost is an accidental version of the same tech afaik

Lightboost is synced strobing of backlight.b right now it's at monitor's static refresh
Gsync is variable is refresh rate.
So Ideally To lightboost on gsync you'd have to have in sync, variable backlight strobing during the variable refresh rates.

y u on my yambag b4 googling 30 sec refry.
these 144 hz monitors, are they all 16:9? im 2 used 2 16:10 :<

yeah, almost everything is 16:9 these days :hrm:

all the high/variable refresh rate stuff is cool, but I really don't want to give up 16:10

but 16:9 gives them the "1080p" marketing buzzword, and it's cheaper to make a 24" 16:9 than a 24" 16:10 because the 16:9 is actually smaller

Lightboost is synced strobing of backlight.b right now it's at monitor's static refresh
Gsync is variable is refresh rate.
So Ideally To lightboost on gsync you'd have to have in sync, variable backlight strobing during the variable refresh rates.

y u on my yambag b4 googling 30 sec refry.

przn do u limit fps
przn is recommending 3 year old tech. the asus 120hz monitors were all the rage before people realized just how amazing 1440p at 96+hz is.

gl jer

ur korean PLS panels are far from 100%. many of those oc'd PLS panels have probs. stutters, wierd side effects. even then the biggest problem is they cant do fast motion. no one can get IPS fast enough for gaming, and ur PLS, while better, still not great.

gsync will help that shit a lot, as u can eliminate blurr and tear at lower refresh rates. but none of ur korea panels will do gsync. will be a while before that happens probably. a long while.

blur busters did a thing on the qnix panels a while back.
this is ur qnix(PLS) @ 120:

this is a normal 1080p @ 120:

the 1440p tech still cant do motion well. maybe down the line w/gsync, or if someone finally manages to get IPS/PLS fast enough, i'll consider buying it. but thats waaaaaaaay off.

jerr. vsync is a trade off.
u trading input lag for no tearing.
i turn off vsync on all reflex games. ill take a bit of tearing for no added input lag. i turn it on w/some single player games just for quality. even then ill only do it at 120hz, 60hz vsync is like molasses. jus tmove ur mouse in vsync and ull see @ 60hz.

u can enable triple buffering, ppl claim that reduces vsyncs input lag.
jer stop asking about frame limit capping.
u dont cap ur frames at low #s. u only cap frames if u doing vsync. never cap ur frames at 60, 70, 80, etc. it is retarded to do so. i.e. if u have a 60hz monitor, u should have ur frame limit uncapped or at like 200
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u do not believe in microstutter due to fps fluctuation

or overheating because of very high fps
jerry pls post in depth review when u get new monitor i am very interested 2 hear ur results

havent upgraded in a long time and thinking about doing so this black friday/cyber monday
Games poll input based on the frame rate being rendered.

If u fps cap sixty the game will use inputs from ur comp at 60hurts. If u cap at 200 it will record inputs at 200 hurts.

You may not be able to display 100 fps on 60 hurts monitor but u want it recording at that rate for sicker whips

I hope this helps gl hf
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Games poll input based on the frame rate being rendered.

If u fps cap sixty the game will use inputs from ur comp at 60hurts. If u cap at 200 it will record inputs at 200 hurts.

You may not be able to display 100 fps on 60 hurts monitor but u want it recording at that rate for sicker whips

I hope this helps gl hf

hm very good info
I just bought the ASUS VG24QPE to replace my aging original Dell WFP2407. I haven't had a chance to test it yet as my Corsair AX850 PSU decided to take a shit the day the monitor arrived. I'm waiting on the cross-shipped RMA.

Przn knows his shit and I know any recommendation he's making he's thoroughly vetted himself, despite what these haters want to spew with nothing to back it up.

I will post my own experience once I've had a chance to thoroughly test this monitor. I'm looking forward to G-Sync.