Am I weird for liking the movie Tears of the Sun and should I watch it Again?

haniblecter said:
Am I weird for liking the movie Tears of the Sun and should I watch it Again?

yes, you're weird for that, you crybaby bitch. you're also weird for naming yourself haniblecter. gg.
I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe, hmm ... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion ... I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate ... All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain...
I don't remember anything about the film, other than it was at the beginning of Bruce Willis' direct to DVD career.
The plot involved (a very) white Bruce Willis and his band of merry men running for their lives across the plains of Africa from angry genocidal black people.

Fun for the whole family.
How "reserve" can a spirit really be if there's 50 bottles on the shelf of one local store? Surely one shop up the street me isn't the only place in the world selling this stuff, which means there is probably actually quite a bit of it in the world. Just wondering what the standard is for qualifying as a "reserve". Is it a comparative thing? Small percentage of an average production run qualifies a something as a "reserve" batch?

Oh, and I've not seen that movie/never heard of it, but gonna check it out.