Alex Jones just got deleted ( Fahrenheit 451 for reelz)

I didn't see you up in arms anytime some idiot got banned from here. Where were you? What, do you only concern troll when it's Alex Jones?
what in the holy shit are you even talking about

and i've been banned from tw for getting upset at tw banning people
I didn't see you up in arms anytime some idiot got banned from here. Where were you? What, do you only concern troll when it's Alex Jones?

you're comparing tw internet market share to google/apple/facebook/twitter

in other words, you're a fucking moron

also, watch this video, and tell me things aren't a bit weird.

On the other hand, if these companies are TRULY worried about hate speech policy and liability thes surely isis videos, louis farrakan, and others would be a bigger threat than ALex Jones.

I mean I would hate to think this is about silencing the right before the midterms.
I don't think they're an essential liberty, but I agree with the principle. You clearly don't, as you don't believe a private company should be allowed to host people you find reprehensible. You believe it's essential that they police themselves. You're a classic authoritarian.

Lets break this down.

I don't think they're an essential liberty, but I agree with the principle.

Yeah, no shit youtube accounts aren't an essential liberty.

You clearly don't

I said nothing to the merits of the quote itself - it simply does not apply to this situation. You've agreed with me on that (see above)

as you don't believe a private company should be allowed to host people you find reprehensible.

That's cute. You're framing this as if I'm personally forcing these companies to ban Alex Jones, and not that Youtube, Apple, Spotify, etc. made the choice themselves due to repeated TOS violations. That's incredibly dishonest, to say the least.

You believe it's essential that they police themselves.

I believe they have the right to host (or not host) anyone. You believe they should be forced to host everyone against their wishes.

You're a classic authoritarian.

Says the guy who wants to force companies to host content that violates their TOS, for free, no matter what.
Should a company be allowed to host someone calling for violence against the families of sandy hook victims?
For the past several years, liberals are have been decrying Christian bakeries who refused service to gay couples. The memories of liberals work in mysterious ways.

Yes, that was the point I was making - conservatives are all about businesses choosing who they want to do business with until a conservative gets banned. Congrats on being smart enough to figure that out, but not smart enough to realize that public accommodation law does not cover political opinion.
Says the guy who wants to force companies to host content that violates their TOS, for free, no matter what.

What terms of service did alex jones violate?

Do isis videos violate those TOS? How about louis farrakan?

Alex jones was banned from Linked in. What terms of service did he violate there?
Should a company be allowed to host someone calling for violence against the families of sandy hook victims?


(with the note that they will probably get sued/investigated)

this is not about allowing or disallowing any particular company from hosting anyone

this is about leaving the decision to host anything up to the host itself
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I believe they have the right to host (or not host) anyone. You believe they should be forced to host everyone against their wishes.
no one said they should be forced. he said he wished they agreed on the principle of free speech.

why is this so hard to grasp
yes, they have the right to censor anyone for any reason
and yes, i wish they wouldnt
I believe they have the right to host (or not host) anyone. You believe they should be forced to host everyone against their wishes.

Says the guy who wants to force companies to host content that violates their TOS, for free, no matter what.

No, I believe standards should be applied equally to everyone, and if they aren't, stop trying to pretend you're a free and open platform. And point out where I ever said a company must host someone who violates their TOS for free no matter what. I never have captain straw man.

(with the note that they will probably get sued/investigated)

this is not about allowing or disallowing any particular company from hosting anyone

this is about leaving the decision to host anything up to the host itself

I would counter with that I think Facebook and Youtube have a moral responsibility to not host content that aims to harm innocent people such as the Sandy Hook families, and their personal safety takes precedent over Alex Jones' right to host his videos for free.
those opinions are not mutually exclusive, fool. Facebook and Youtube have a moral obligation *and* the final decision is theirs. Is that confusing to you?
Source? I'm honestly curious if this is true. All I can find from googling is a defamation lawsuit, which is just slightly different from your statement.
It's one of the saddest things I've ever seen. A bunch of parents have their children murdered and now they have to deal with a massive shit lord like Alex Jones riling up literally the dumbest people on the planet for more page views while the parents have to go into hiding and can't even visit their childrens graves.

I think the defamation lawsuit is their only avenue for going after the guy.
triple is right in that market share is not in the First Amendment. Congress should treat all online companies the same. For the past 2 years, Congress has held hearings on the executives of the largest private media companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, regarding data privacy and Russian meddling. I assume Rayn was there testifying for TW too, right?
It's one of the saddest things I've ever seen. A bunch of parents have their children murdered and now they have to deal with a massive shit lord like Alex Jones riling up literally the dumbest people on the planet for more page views while the parents have to go into hiding and can't even visit their childrens graves.

I think the defamation lawsuit is their only avenue for going after the guy.

yeah, that sounds like a bunch of overhyped bullshit fake news to me.
I disagree, but I wasn't expecting moral clarity from the guy defending the guy who shits on school shooting victims.

I'm defending speech and equal standards. You've admitted to wanting differing standards enforced based on self-declared morality standards. Which sounds more dangerous?