Alex Jones is F'd to the tune of $965 Million

ya, sorry
but Alex Jones is not as 'crazed' as you think
but you've never listened to him

why would the D.C. Globalist Deep State
such a 'crazed' person
Also I never listened to Alex Jones or any other crazed person out there. I'm sure vanster thinks Conservative does

They're putting you through a struggle session

why would you deny
listening to something

I listen to FED MSM

just for the laughs
who is they? It is the honest truth.

some people are dumb enough to believe that every conservative thinks the same, acts the same, watches the same crap.

As for you severed, I remember you as the hippy liberal too!
He has yet to pay a nickel to the Sandy Hook families.

Their children were gunned down to the point of being decapitated with bullets in at least one child. Jones told all his radio listeners that the whole thing never happened, and that the grieving parents were paid actors.

After getting all but fisted in court, he's been made to pay out nearly a billion to those very real parents that had to bury what was left of their children.

Fast fact: Not one TW conservative has yet to criticize him.

vanster, it's impossible for him 2 pay the sandy hook famblies b/c there are no sandy hook families and there was no sandy hook

that is y this is an unjust and cruel abuse of the court system
who is they? It is the honest truth.

some people are dumb enough to believe that every conservative thinks the same, acts the same, watches the same crap.

As for you severed, I remember you as the hippy liberal too!

Certainly never supported Republican Bush endless wars. All I've ever consistently tried to vote for is an end to endless wars and make America great. Before Trump, there was only one time in my life I voted for a candidate that became President, that was Obama the first time around,,, ya, he was a big disappointment.
I believe that finally, I have a real chance of that with President Trump. The Deep State knows that too which is why they're turning all their money and power against Trump.

Alex Jones isn't perfect, but he brings a lot of truth and tries to get it right. He has been ahead of the curve of exposing the Globalist Deep State and should be celebrated as an American Hero.

So, when people tell me they're Republican
I tell them I'm trying to take over the Republican party.
What kind of Republican are you?
i wonder why ppl would think u all watch the same crap after reading about the tucker carlson interview on tw
Certainly never supported Republican Bush endless wars. All I've ever consistently tried to vote for is an end to endless wars and make America great. Before Trump, there was only one time in my life I voted for a candidate that became President, that was Obama the first time around,,, ya, he was a big disappointment.
I believe that finally, I have a real chance of that with President Trump. The Deep State knows that too which is why they're turning all their money and power against Trump.

Alex Jones isn't perfect, but he brings a lot of truth and tries to get it right. He has been ahead of the curve of exposing the Globalist Deep State and should be celebrated as an American Hero.

So, when people tell me they're Republican
I tell them I'm trying to take over the Republican party.
What kind of Republican are you?

Alex Jones doesn't try to get shit right. He is a fear merchant and always has been. The only reason he keep parroting shit about the 'deep state' is because he knows that his listeners and those of that mindset will eat that shit up and rush to buy his affiliate gold coins and emergency food rations
Alex Jones works non stop. When he started on local TV and radio he was scraping by for quite a while. Dale Gribble in Kind of the Hill is said to be loosely influenced by him since Alex Jones would play on AM radio around Austin at the time and was apparently a local hit.


Also, he's correct a lot more often than people would like to think. If you listen to his podcast nothing else is like it. It's like some is narrating a WWF show.

Alex Jones is "off" but still functional. He suspects he got brain damage from a drop on the head in a fight. I think Alex is an above average IQ guy, with a gifted memory, but with a tad of brain damage that in some way has removed filters of his speech and thought. His thoughts branch out in ways that are not normal.

I think Teddy Roosevelt had something similar. Bad asthma, maybe a touch of brain damage from childhood from O2 problems. But genetically a smart guy, so he was able to work and complete plans, organize people, but a touch of crazy.
Alex Jones doesn't try to get shit right. He is a fear merchant and always has been. The only reason he keep parroting shit about the 'deep state' is because he knows that his listeners and those of that mindset will eat that shit up and rush to buy his affiliate gold coins and emergency food rations

Another smoothbrain take from our resident smoothbrain
alec jone testified 'any1 with half a brain would know what im saying is nonsense and a performance to sell things to dumb ppl'

and yet ppl are still like 'nope he's legit, also maybe i should buy some supplements'
Andrew Anglin said he started a campaign to get Dr. David Duke, one of the few remaining good Americans, on InfoWars. Alex Jones agreed, but debated against Dr. Duke. I think he was a bit obligated to. It really woke a lot of people up that it even happened.

Of course, the video is censored from JewTube.

Dr.. David Duke vs Alex Jones Infowars FULL DEBATE