Afghan Deployment Video

Name me one free standing army you're currently engaged with

I'll wait for you to try and convince yourself that the United States of America is at war with a few thousand Islamic extremist nut jobs and comparable to the viet cong, red army or nazi germany

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Name me one free standing army you're currently engaged with

I'll wait for you to try and convince yourself that the United States of America is at war with a few thousand Islamic extremist nut jobs and comparable to the viet cong, red army or nazi germany

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Whatever you say. You must be a subject matter expert on war since you've fought in so many...right?

People like to think of WWII vets as untarnished and honorable heroes that fought a “real war.” I don’t deny the awesomeness of these great men’s accomplishments, but we seem to overlook the fact that they indiscriminately leveled entire cities. I guess it looks a lot better when the people back home are getting their only information from a highly edited, government produced newsreel..
Collateral damage is a reality of war, and always will be. The media wants to sculpt the appearance of heinous atrocities to whip the reactionary public into a froth of anger against our troops. It gets ratings. In reality, our current conflicts have mitigated civilian casualties like never before, many times at the cost of our own troops’ capacity to defend themselves. I would've given my right nut to have been able to have the WWII ROE. Objectives are much easier to take when you can call in an artillery barrage on it prior to your assault.
Whatever you say. You must be a subject matter expert on war since you've fought in so many...right?

People like to think of WWII vets as untarnished and honorable heroes that fought a “real war.” I don’t deny the awesomeness of these great men’s accomplishments, but we seem to overlook the fact that they indiscriminately leveled entire cities. I guess it looks a lot better when the people back home are getting their only information from a highly edited, government produced newsreel..
Collateral damage is a reality of war, and always will be. The media wants to sculpt the appearance of heinous atrocities to whip the reactionary public into a froth of anger against our troops. It gets ratings. In reality, our current conflicts have mitigated civilian casualties like never before, many times at the cost of our own troops’ capacity to defend themselves. I would've given my right nut to have been able to have the WWII ROE. Objectives are much easier to take when you can call in an artillery barrage on it prior to your assault.

so you really think afghanistan is currently trying to wage war on ________? ztir's point is that you are hunting extremists who are not part of any organized military--similar to a country invading the US and targeting KKK members... no one is talking about civilian casualties, dipshit

clearly the army didn't teach you how to think
Ztir, I'm pretty sure that when your ROE doesn't allow you to raze cities, that wars tend to take longer. Maybe the organizations the US is engaged with now are no longer free standing armies, but they were at the start of the wars.
The Iraqi Army and the Taliban "government" are recent free standing armies that the US has been engaged with.
While you may not consider the Taliban government as having a free standing army, it's because their methods are unconventional, and it's something they've honed and refined and it works well for them: guerilla warfare.
As if there are any other methods for a bunch of yokels with IEDs and AK47s to fight the world's most powerful military.

Its pretty easy to save American soldiers lives.... take them out of that third world shithole. This strategy also has the added benefit of NOT burning taxpayer billions in a desert located half way around the world.