Aaron Bushnell

Guy lit himself on fire and will only get half a page on TW and trending on twitter for a day.

Really hard to send a message these days.
Thích Quảng Đức's heart is kept in a holy chalice and there is a memorial to him at the site where he self immolated.

His heart

It’s just an indication of how much the mighty Air Force has fallen. Punk ass bitch.

Sorta like, I dunno, Native American protests.
US corporate - Jew-controlled media will bend over backwards to protect the Jews, Israel, and Zionism from the truth being told.
Can we please push this instead of tranny's shooting up churches?
This needs to be the new hotness.
Bushnell was raised in a religious compound in Orleans, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod called "The Community of Jesus."

He may not have convinced Joe Biden to stop massacring thousands of children in Palestine, but he's certainly proven how non-committed most Pro-Palestinian protesters are.