A Star Wars Story: Solo

Lucasfilm Production Meeting

"We only have one film left in the new Trilogy to utterly ruin Star Wars as a cherished franchise what can we do?"

"Well we tried a flash but derivative copy of a previous film and then followed it up with a film to subvert expectations of quality in world building, character arcs and story by providing the opposite and ignored major plot threads from the previous film, what is next?"

"Well we have created some terrible story arcs for the original cast, is there anyone left whose story hasn't been ruined?"

"How about Lando? I mean we tried to spoil his character with some really odd unnecessary signalling about his sexuality in relation to Solo but the movie was sort of OKish if bland in the end. How about we go out of our way to just exploit his character to really make fans sad about what we have done to a beloved franchise?"

"Lando it is then, but let's make sure it is really pathetic and out of character like what we did with Luke, we want to put the final nail in the legacy of Star Wars as fun films part of an epic story of hope with solid characters."

"Great, I will start writing now. Oh, remind me to blame unspecified white men if fans dislike what we are doing to the franchise and when it under performs will you, they are always a good punching bag and we are not bigoted in anyway."

"Will do."
Gonna be impressed with how Han, Luke, Leia, and Lando all manage to die within 1 week of one another.
nothing like spending 4 Billion to own the rights to a franchise that you dig up, resurrect, just to kill and bury harder than ever imagined humanly possible

the future scripts and screenplays should be written with actual piss at this point
Gonna be impressed with how Han, Luke, Leia, and Lando all manage to die within 1 week of one another.

Tarkin and Palpatine are kicking themselves over not thinking up this plan themselves... could have saved so much money on Death Stars, Stormtroopers, Bounty Hunters and Star Destroyers and AT Walkers.
leia won't die, she's going to be shot into a time bubble and fly off into the heart of the force

god you guys don't know anything about star wars
Remember, these new films are for a new generation and a new cast of characters (pay no attention to the fact they have to bring back everyone who is still alive from the OT)

Well they already closed most story arc's and thought they had guaranteed money... now they are scrambling to try to get thru the 3rd movie with any nostalgia they can dig up... Luke will be a force ghost and Lando will be back.

They had the perfect opportunity to kill leia in the last movie.. it was literally a stroke of luck they had those scenes filmed and they could've reshot the end of the movie but nope fuck that... stick with what we got the next director can figure it out...UGH