
Love it.

Mystery shot it shall remain.

Wonder what (b)(4) is?

"Know what would be really funny? We should inject this mysterious (b)(4) into all the "useless eaters" bodies and see what happens to them. Just get Fauci to push it and the prog-white females will gobble it up. Any of you want to place some bets on what will happen?"
Meanwhile in Australia ...

Ivermectin - Nobel prize winning, WHO essential medicine, that is used in humans every day, all over the world.

no sorry

it's a horse dewormer that puts you in hospital

What a bunch of assholes, this sort of semi-truth, blatant twisting of facts is what makes people vaxx hesitant in the first place.

I'm seriously looking forward to the guillotine getting rolled out, now I understand why the Aussie gov wanted to dump the French, no chance of them coming over to sort things out the right way.

Serious question: Does the situation in Oz, especially Melbourne, give you any different perspective on gun ownership?
Serious question: Does the situation in Oz, especially Melbourne, give you any different perspective on gun ownership?

I live in Melbourne and did mention to my wife yesterday that I can understand why Americans all want to own guns.

But then observed that having guns in this situation would not help at all.

This isn't about protecting yourself from rioters or BLM. It's the cops, and you can't win against the cops. The situation in the US over the last two years has proven that, guns didn't help there.

I'm not anti gun by any means, I used to own guns and I love shooting things. I just can't see any practical use for them in anti vax protests.
the "it's just the flu" crowd talks about the vaccine like it's the reaper :lol:

It's not the vaccine but having some one else force you to take it. That is the big problem.

Why should people lose their jobs because of this. We all know it isn't about not catching it, everyone is going to get it at some point. It's about minimising the harm, and if someone would rather risk having a more serious case of covid that's their business.

Tell me why the fuck should a plumber or roof tiler have to have it or lose their job, when politicians and other government employees (all of who should be first up for all mandates) and police don't have to have it?

fucking clown world, the only good thing is it means more of those cunts will die from it
Meanwhile in Australia ...

Ivermectin - Nobel prize winning, WHO essential medicine, that is used in humans every day, all over the world.

no sorry

it's a horse dewormer that puts you in hospital

What a bunch of assholes, this sort of semi-truth, blatant twisting of facts is what makes people vaxx hesitant in the first place.

I'm seriously looking forward to the guillotine getting rolled out, now I understand why the Aussie gov wanted to dump the French, no chance of them coming over to sort things out the right way.

Ivermectin is safe and effective for certain parasitic infections, and is dosed for that indication. If Ivermectin is effective for COVID, we don't know what the dosage might be. The effective dose might be prohibitively toxic.
I live in Melbourne and did mention to my wife yesterday that I can understand why Americans all want to own guns.

But then observed that having guns in this situation would not help at all.

This isn't about protecting yourself from rioters or BLM. It's the cops, and you can't win against the cops. The situation in the US over the last two years has proven that, guns didn't help there.

I'm not anti gun by any means, I used to own guns and I love shooting things. I just can't see any practical use for them in anti vax protests.
it all comes down to avoiding a worst case scenario. People, rightfully so, recognize how these things can possibly escalate.

ie look at blm riots: they didnt descend into all out gun warfare between rioters and police. And maybe it wouldnt change the situation in Australia at this time.


as we see the Australian police shoot unarmed people in the back for the crime of being outside and breathing, we again think well “how bad can this get potentially?”

if the Australian police wanted to go door to door rounding people up to place them in quarantine camps they are building, they could. They could take that huge tyrannical step. Its possible.

That wouldnt be possible in the usa without major issues. if Australian police got out pf hand, there’s literally nothing you can do. In the usa, it really serves as protection in the escalating heat. Did the nuclear arms race increase the risk of nuclear war, or reduce it? same goes for an armed population…it makes some situations less likely.
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the cops here are becoming disturbingly more militarised by the day, no one knew they had this sort of gear, ppl are getting upset
in america we give our cops military gear like MRAPs so they always have a leg up on us and can take tyranical steps whenever they choose.
i think comments like this take people too off track into weeds.
look at waco. Look at ruby ridge. cops are human beings it doesnt matter what awesome equipment they have. They dont want to be in a fire fight either. And lets not forget many armed citizens are veterans or enthusiasts that can probably handle firearms better.

If you want to say “what little chance do you have vs police?” then most would say “better than zero” which is why many have firearms in the first place. Again i see it more of an arms race…it makes some options (like rounding people up into camps) almost impossible to complete without incident.
Cops and military are among the highest percentage of gun owners in America. Those guys will be first to stand up to any type of private ownership gun grab here. Would definitely be interesting if the government tried to give special privileges to those two groups in regards to keeping their personal weapons while taking away everyone else's.

That shit could get butt puckering.
Australia's gun ownership has dropped dramatically in the last 30 years.

This is what our cops looked like 30 years ago (they did still carry a gun though)

This is them now, in everyday gear, not the riot guys, they are far worse.

Why do they need to appear so overtly aggressive? Why are they getting so 'tooled up'?

the place has gone to shit
don't worry in a few years they'll be wearing fatigues and body armor and carrying rifles just like our cops
Why do they need to appear so overtly aggressive? Why are they getting so 'tooled up'?
Immigration of brown-skinned 3rd worlders
the place has gone to shit
You can't invite legions of 3rd worlders into your nation and then be surprised when your nation becomes the 3rd world.

All part of the design and they have been practicing on Palestine for many decades now. That is the blueprint for the rest of us useless eaters.