
sorry shill if you have not realized it yet I am not a fanbot of any particular party since I consider them both equally as corrupt. Because one party does something does not mean it needs to be continued nor in the face of media, the right thing to do.
Patriot Act ring a bell?
:lol: last couple pages have been mint.

Carl with the drive by screeching while everyone ignores him is what keeps me coming back. :lol:

Thanks carl, never change.

Gilligan running neck and neck with juggertits in the IQ department.
You all should just search Hellfire, SeVeReD, and penis if you want the real signal in this thread.
severed, tell us about the last flu strain that knocked out everyone's smell/taste.

Have you looked at the endless, and i mean endless list of symptoms they attribute to 'this' virus?
I do not doubt there was something released upon the world
i've never said there isn't some faulsi/ccp virus going on
but, I think this stuff is so viral
and the tests set so low
(well they were before the biden adm.... )
that when people had the flu and went in to get tested...
guess what they tested for.

My wife still can't smell as well as she used to
thank god

if it's a zombie disease
we won't be walking around with masks
thats the new barometer for severity of this shitty virus? U GONNA LOSE YOUR SMELL

Pull the fuckin bandaid off already and get on with things. Sorry oldies, a few more of you will die from now on every year. That's life.

i can fucking finally fart

so ya,
at this point, I'm more angry and upset
at how this was produced and USED
instead of wetting my panties about it
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not too long ago you were reeeing about this being a chinese bioweapon that was developed in a lab.

now you've pivoted to it's not covid, it's another flu strain going around.

it's worth pointing out you've experienced numerous flu strains in your life and none of them caused you to lose your sense of smell.