
The government couldn't have mandated vaccines unless they already had majority compliance, dude. Thats the point. A whole slew of people had to line up voluntarily first, before the political will would make mandates possible.

So they needed majority compliance to create a mandate, even though said compliance makes said mandate redundant
No it doesn't make it redundant. They weren't content with 70% compliance, they wanted 100%. Thus mandates.
I thought the Canadian mandate was just for certain sectors?
Furthermore - 100% is impossible because some ppl are immune compromised, or allergic, like with traditional vaccines
So they needed majority compliance to create a mandate, even though said compliance makes said mandate redundant

He's right. This was an experimental emergency vaccine. If 95% of the people in a country said fuck you I'm not being your guinea pig then it would have been a lot harder to mandate. But since they got butt loads of guinea pigs to try it out it was way easier. I don't see how this is a tough subject for you to get.
The Canadian federal government had the power to mandate this shit on anyone associated with a federally regulated industry (banking, travel, healthcare, etc) as well as anyone working directly for the government.

The provinces took the further steps of requiring vaccines in other sectors, as well as requiring vaccines for people frequenting various venues or dining establishments etc.

They also had the power to mandate these injections for kids to attend school. You wanna know why they didn't do it? Because the kids vaccine uptake was dismal.
The government couldn't have mandated vaccines unless they already had majority compliance, dude. Thats the point. A whole slew of people had to line up voluntarily first, before the political will would make mandates possible.

What is the alternative? That a bunch of people who took the jab don't take it in hopes of government not implementing a mandate? Couldn't it have easily gone the other way, nobody takes it which results in them thinking they have to mandate it to enforce compliance?

The logic is just plain dumb. This is like blaming people who buy guns when some nut shoots up a school.
The Canadian federal government had the power to mandate this shit on anyone associated with a federally regulated industry (banking, travel, healthcare, etc) as well as anyone working directly for the government.

The provinces took the further steps of requiring vaccines in other sectors, as well as requiring vaccines for people frequenting various venues or dining establishments etc.

They also had the power to mandate these injections for kids to attend school. You wanna know why they didn't do it? Because the kids vaccine uptake was dismal.

Didn't they just dangle the carrot of "take the VAX and we'll release the lockdowns" and since kids don't really care about lockdowns it didn't apply to them?
I thought the Canadian mandate was just for certain sectors?
Furthermore - 100% is impossible because some ppl are immune compromised, or allergic, like with traditional vaccines

This is where you start to look stupid. You need to realize that the U.S. and Canada took a draconian stance when it came to mandates. Exemptions were not considered, even for things like allergies (see Aaron Rodgers).
What is the alternative? That a bunch of people who took the jab don't take it in hopes of government not implementing a mandate? Couldn't it have easily gone the other way, nobody takes it which results in them thinking they have to mandate it to enforce compliance?

The logic is just plain dumb. This is like blaming people who buy guns when some nut shoots up a school.

Dude I don't fucking live in Dubai, we have a democratically elected government dealing with a crisis. They cannot mandate something without political support to do so. Fuck man... this is basic shit. You can't mandate a pharmaceutical product on a majority who doesn't want it. There is a reason most mandates didn't start until 60-70% of the eligible population was already vaccinated.
What is the alternative? That a bunch of people who took the jab don't take it in hopes of government not implementing a mandate? Couldn't it have easily gone the other way, nobody takes it which results in them thinking they have to mandate it to enforce compliance?

This was my instinct. They had the emergency power to mandate, and the motivation to mandate is inversely proportional to vaccine acceptance.
Didn't they just dangle the carrot of "take the VAX and we'll release the lockdowns" and since kids don't really care about lockdowns it didn't apply to them?

Newsflash: 5-11 yearolds don't decide to take a vaccine, their eligible voter parents do.
Dude I don't fucking live in Dubai, we have a democratically elected government dealing with a crisis. They cannot mandate something without political support to do so. Fuck man... this is basic shit. You can't mandate a pharmaceutical product on a majority who doesn't want it. There is a reason most mandates didn't start until 60-70% of the eligible population was already vaccinated.

If you want to blame people who supported the mandate, sure, even Lozza will agree with you. But you aren't doing that, you are blaming people who simply took the jab because they thought it was a smart health decision at the time. That is just dumb.
If you want to blame people who supported the mandate, sure, even Lozza will agree with you. But you aren't doing that, you are blaming people who simply took the jab because they thought it was a smart health decision at the time. That is just dumb.

I blame them for being complacent quiet lemmings. And I don't particularly care if you think that's dumb.

The lemmings were coerced through carefully studied and crafted public messaging and fear mongering. They bought this shit wholesale, and then gave the government political power to enforce draconian measures on the rest of us. So yeah fuck the vaxxed.
Like I said - he thinks nobody under fifty and healthy should be allowed to take it.

If he were able to influence people, he would have denied them their free choice to take the vaccine
I blame them for being complacent quiet lemmings. And I don't particularly care if you think that's dumb.

The lemmings were coerced through carefully studied and crafted public messaging and fear mongering. They bought this shit wholesale, and then gave the government political power to enforce draconian measures on the rest of us. So yeah fuck the vaxxed.

Like I said - amram is just insecure, and so he needs to cast other ppl making free choices that he is afraid of as 'scared lemmings', so he can make himself feel big and brave.