1400 possible cases of ebola being tracked by CDC in America?

ebola is just another red herring disease like swin flu and sarrs were.... for what? idk... probably russia, economy, obama sucking more nigger dick, who knows.
breitbart prides itself in "being before its news"

in this case not only did they write this before it was news...they did it before it even happened.
Thanks but I've been here a while now... I remember when news wasn't a hot mess of a joke. (and not even a funny joke at that.)

That doesn't excuse bullshit websites like this, I refuse to accept the "that's the way it is" argument, and furthermore it definitely doesn't excuse fucktards from spreading links from said websites as though they were actual news.
i have a hard time finding anything in the mainstream media that isn't a mindless fluff piece or an intentional distortion of reality in order to gain viewership.

at this point i'm running out of outrage


is it possible that upwards of 1400 people have been contacted about possibly being exposed to somebody who might have been exposed to ebola? sure...especially considering the reckless actions of some of these people returning from the region.

are there 1400 pending cases in the US? :rofl: fuck no....but so is the fun of sensationalism
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ppl who read breitbart make me laugh

~yo we is biased! biased towards the truth those libruls dont want u 2 see!!!! r U man enuf for our hard right bullshit?~
after a bit of digging, it appear the washigton times was the first to report this...3 weeks ago on the 2nd. and of course this is just from what atkinson said while on fox news.

sooo blaming brietbart news about something they are simply rereporting from other sources is kinda retarded. blame them for being late maybe. anyway the fault really goes to drudge report, who just posts links to other sites i guess.
ebola is just another red herring disease like swin flu and sarrs were.... for what? idk... probably russia, economy, obama sucking more nigger dick, who knows.

so you dont believe that ebola killed people in africa either? or are you saying you just dont believe it can never kill anyone in America because we are special? you are losing me.
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