10 Year old Boy argues with sister... then shoots her in face with shotgun.

I'm saying the only thing that is between someone responsibly having a gun and someone shooting someone else in the face with a shotgun is maturity? If so, I'm really against people having guns because people as a whole, are fucking stupid as shit.

maturity... intelligence.... morals... what exactly is it you think seperates a person who shoots other people and a person who owns a gun responsibly?

your statement is dumb... of course these are things that sperate the two.

and your arguement is counter productive. the idea is to give the inteligent, moral, mature people the right to protect themselves against the immature, stupid, immoral people who go around shooting others.

i'll give you a hint - the stupid, immoral, immature people still wind up with guns if they really want them. so whats the point in punishing the mature, inteligent, moral (and at this point, law obiding) people for trying to do the same?

edit: There are 10 year olds I'd trust with a gun being in the same room as me. I could safely sleep knowing they are up and in the same room with me. you know why? because i know they have been taught how to use the weapon, what could happen, and have been deemed mature enough to handle it. (although they're not beign given handguns at this point)

And there are 25 year olds I wouldn't trust that have a gun within a mile of me. because they're fucking retarded and think they haev a gun to pull it out during an arguement to intimidate other people, then accidently wind up shooting someone (or worse, intentionally).
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so whats the point in punishing the mature, inteligent, moral (and at this point, law obiding) people for trying to do the same?
Because I don't want more guns, I want less guns. More people carry guns = more problems. You have a better chance of having an airplane crash into your lecture hall than you do of someone going on a shooting spree.
Because I don't want more guns, I want less guns. More people carry guns = more problems. You have a better chance of having an airplane crash into your lecture hall than you do of someone going on a shooting spree.
more people carry guns = more problems?

thats an ignorant statement if i've seen one.

how about this:

more people who do not know how to use guns, or don't posses the maturity required to operate a gun = more problems.

last time I checked noone i know that owns a gun and is mature in how they handle it has ever had a problem.

the arguement is flawed because the people who want to use guns to hurt others will find ways to get them. that doesn't mean people shouldn't be allowed to have them legally... if you fail to see this than you're just trolling/retarded.
last time I checked noone i know that owns a gun and is mature in how they handle it has ever had a problem.
Your whole post is invalidated by this statement. Seeing as you do not know the entire US population, I'll let you in on a little hint again and say that people are fucking dumb as shit.
Clearly you're just spouting shit without having done any research whatsoever. This is one of the most ignorant things I have read on TW.

And no, I don't even like guns.
If you do not believe that statement is correct, you are ignorant. You can apply it to anything that involves dangerous things. More people carrying dinner knives = more problems (intentional stabbings, accidental stabbings, etc).

You are fucking dumber than dirt if you think that more guns = less problems. I'm guessing that your logic behind that thinking is that you think that the one time that a school shooting is possibly prevented from killing 8 more kids, that justifies the zillion other problems that are created by more guns.
Your whole post is invalidated by this statement. Seeing as you do not know the entire US population, I'll let you in on a little hint again and say that people are fucking dumb as shit.

people are dumb as shit, as indicated by your arguement (you obviously fall into the generalization that people are dumb as shit)

do you know anyone with a ccw? I do.. i know a few...
What makes you think anyone with a ccw will ALWAYS carry a gun with them? i know for a fact that that is not true.

and what exactly makes you think that keeping it illegal keeps people from carrying guns on campus?

SHOCKER - it doesn't. obviously. every single school shooting has involved someone carrying a gun illegally onto campus (it has to... its illegal to have guns on campus right now)

So keep the laws the way it is does what exactly? Keeps people from getting educated, obtaining the legal authority to carry a gun, from being able to do so on campus.

People who argue this arguement the way you do piss me off because your arguement is so flawed and you don't even realize it. Making it legal for someone who owns a gun, and a CCW permit, DOES NOT MEAN EVERYONE WILL BE CARRYING GUNS ON CAMPUS.
I'm not even going to read your reply so don't even bother. As I've already established with link_, gun control is the same as religion, politics, etc. If you're for it or against it, you can make arguments and use statistics to prove each other right and wrong.

I am against more guns. You are for more guns.

If you do not believe that statement is correct, you are ignorant. You can apply it to anything that involves dangerous things. More people carrying dinner knives = more problems (intentional stabbings, accidental stabbings, etc).

You are fucking dumber than dirt if you think that more guns = less problems. I'm guessing that your logic behind that thinking is that you think that the one time that a school shooting is possibly prevented from killing 8 more kids, that justifies the zillion other problems that are created by more guns.

its so funny because you're calling someone else ignorant.

the core of your arguement:
more guns = more problems

the actual situation:
people who carry guns illegally = more problems.
what we are saying != more people with guns
what we are saying = mroe people who are educated in how to use guns, and have obtained permits, have guns.

you're fucking stupid or trolling. the problem is i can't figure out which.
I'm not even going to read your reply so don't even bother. As I've already established with link_, gun control is the same as religion, politics, etc. If you're for it or against it, you can make arguments and use statistics to prove each other right and wrong.

I am against more guns. You are for more guns.

You could have said that 3 posts ago and avoided looking like a rabid moron tossing around insults like a 3rd grader.
I'm not even going to read your reply so don't even bother. As I've already established with link_, gun control is the same as religion, politics, etc. If you're for it or against it, you can make arguments and use statistics to prove each other right and wrong.

I am against more guns. You are for more guns.


you're so fucking ignorant.

I am not for more guns

I am for more guns in the hands of the right people.

You're for taking guns away from the right people, but keeping guns in the hands of the wrong people.
If you do not believe that statement is correct, you are ignorant. You can apply it to anything that involves dangerous things. More people carrying dinner knives = more problems (intentional stabbings, accidental stabbings, etc).

You are fucking dumber than dirt if you think that more guns = less problems. I'm guessing that your logic behind that thinking is that you think that the one time that a school shooting is possibly prevented from killing 8 more kids, that justifies the zillion other problems that are created by more guns.

Let's not let the facts get in the way of your feelings!

holy shit ....i have only seen that one time... and that is a Chinese strain... very odd how a little bud grows off the water leaf like that. very very stony tho
(a)more people carry guns = (b)more problems?

thats an ignorant statement if i've seen one.

how about this:

(c)more people who do not know how to use guns, or don't posses the maturity required to operate a gun = (b)more problems.

since a = c, and you agree that c = b, then isn't a = b?
I'm saying the only thing that is between someone responsibly having a gun and someone shooting someone else in the face with a shotgun is maturity? If so, I'm really against people having guns because people as a whole, are fucking stupid as shit.
what exactly do you think it is that stops me from shooting someone else in the face with a shotgun?
Because I don't want more guns, I want less guns. More people carry guns = more problems. You have a better chance of having an airplane crash into your lecture hall than you do of someone going on a shooting spree.

too fucking bad. keep your pussy ass in th ehouse until you get over your fear of people, we won't miss you.
i like to think of it as having more police officers around, which is good. but then again, even they can get raged over something and make mistakes using their authority and power.