[10 items douches buy] What percentage of TW fall onto this list with at least 1(OFN)

I read that thread. I cant say any groups I have been in have had a presence in FL.

Did you fight? All it takes is a little bit of charisma to have your own personal army in these things.

Perhaps next year. First I need to make a few inspirational speeches to attract foam-wielding brigands to my service.
I used to wear the body spray too, but only when I used to roll out of bed hung over from the night before in college to a class all sweaty and smelling like a bar. Was an instant shower in a can.

spraying axe on yourself is NOT a shower in a can. you just smell a shit someone sprinkled popuri on
Has Tehvul's name been mentioned yet?

I'm betting he has more than one of every single one of those things.
Perhaps next year. First I need to make a few inspirational speeches to attract foam-wielding brigands to my service.

Watch the movie "Darkon"

You could probably find it somewhere online for free. I think you would really enjoy seeing the social dynamics and politics in action.
chicago its illegal to talk on a cell and drive so bluetooth is good for that.

people that go to clubs and shit (black people) rocking tHE TOOOFFF are douche dongles.

also, i think axe smells like arisol spray and most girls i know think it smells like cheap ass. Just throw down for some cologne. the shit is 40 bux a bottle and putting it on every day will last you half a year. are you that cheap?
I don't own any of those things. I have considered (briefly) buying a bluetooth headset.

I buy axe. I use it like Febreeze. I recommend you try it. It is twice as good as febreeze at getting weird smells out.
or you could just clean whatever is smelly and dirty.

:shrug: Maybe so. Sometimes things smell funny. Maybe it's close to laundry day and you need to wear a dirty shirt one extra time. Give it a quick spray with axe and the next morning it smells like it's clean.

edit: or maybe someone pukes in your car when you're driving them home from the bar like happened ~2 weeks ago. After their drunk ass cleans it out, a burst of axe makes it smell great by the next day.
It is now illegal in CA to drive on the freeway while using a cell phone - unfortunately a) the surface streets are still legal, and b) no one seems to be getting ticketed - so I shelled out for a headset.

Useful, sure, but not all that comfortable to wear for prolonged periods or more than, say, 5 minutes so it spends most of its time sitting next to the cell phone.

I have no idea how people wear those things all the damned time.