Diamond Hands

if he doesn't get his attention quotas in other threads he wanders.

In other news:

TPPRF still.

They are about 2-3 months away from finishing merger. It looks a little odd from the description but this company is merging with a huge marijuana grower to go multi-state. The pot company is not traded at all so in essence, this will transform TPPRF into a pot biz/operator.
check that out.. they just released quarterly earnings report today for the marijuana place and it is up 43% pew pew

Happy Friday
I bought TPPRF with my house mortgage refi because bounty lost my entire port with his shit stock.
we should start our own goatse coin

... maybe design it with a hole in the middle. so u can stik yor pinky thru it and be like *wsup* :brows: