Diamond Hands

not expert

be nice

35% ethereum staked but at joke rate
15% bitcoin - was 10% yesterday but i couldn't swing any more at the dip
40% amp staked
10% atom staked

somehow this is across like 6 apps and wallets

the more i learn, the more i realize i do not know anything


i remember you had a dsm with a big boy turbo before it was cool, and that you had a kuradex but for cars

i had a 12v vw vr6 with a t67 for a few years. trapped 118 but in the 13's lol
dear sir your memory is v good

I have no opinion of the current market other than Im waiting for BTC to steadily stay above 34k, or dip to 18-23k before I get back in.

What I do know is this: time in the market, not timing the maret


hodl, don't trade, you're not a good trader
i definitely do not know anything besides buzzwords and trivia but that is pretty much my mo

how long does bc need to stay above 34k to be "steady"?

again i know nothing, but it seems like going below 20k again is unlikely?

i am most definitely in it for a long time. this all started as a bet with my brother. he's trying to be mr stocks and i casually mentioned i could do better in cc.
all in on eth, not excited about it right now but 5k eth makes me a fiat millionaire. i'm probably making a mistake not having some btc. i managed to sell the top on that and never touched it again, but been buying eth all the way down. got burned on yield farming alcx. pool 2's are scams, no matter how much you research it/ppl smarter than u believe otherwise. wish i lived outside US and could short perpetuals on altcoins/governance tokens. so obv all pool 2 coins drift toward 0

next big catalyst will be games/interchangeable nft's like mmorpg equipment or eve-like games/resources being sellable/useable across games/platforms. that's such a massive disrupt to literally everything. ppl will be living on the internet. and its guarenteed within 3 years. young ppl live this shit. they dgaf about bitcoin or the real world. my kids would spend all their money on dumb video game shit if i let them

hope that is somewhat readable

edit also own 20k worth of aave, staked. the defi protocol that grabs boomer money is the big winner and thats probably the one most willing to work with regulators, which so far is aave
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Anyone checking their tickers today?

man 3200?? i woudl talk shit but you are up so it doesnt matter lol i tend to throw 500 at shit when i go in otherwise its rarely worth it

The big upswing will be in the November timeframe. But the fact that 88 Energy is now debt-free put them in a more desirable position this week.

I'm at 150K shares now. Will buy more when price drops again. Looking for a big correction by end of summer.
The big upswing will be in the November timeframe. But the fact that 88 Energy is now debt-free put them in a more desirable position this week.

look bro i dont want none of ur lip till this shit worth 100/share ok??? i need to clown till im back up lol