[SO] The government is shut down...

the mindset was different during and after the war than it is today...

they had already tightened their belts, people were willing to chip in , buy bonds, scrap their metal to the government for free, and do what they could and there was a general feeling of patriotism and pride in their country as well as relief that 'the boys had come home'.

Keep in mind that back then companies did not have ceo's that made massively more than the workers. Companies also made products that were meant to last. People didn't go out and buy the newest model of phone each year, didn't upgrade computers and tv's. a house cost about twice an anual salary a modest car about half. a family of four could live on one income and women that had been in the workforce during the war went back to the home when the husbands returned. Jobs were not taken over by automation and some guy even pumped your gas and washed your windows when you pulled into the station. Jobs were not a huge problem with unemployment around 2%.

it was also a time of increased taxes and reduced government spending in order to keep the annual budget deficits small.

this is some of how they survived that.

All great points.

My dad tells me stories about how he purchased a new 2 bedroom home for 12k back in the fifties.......back when he only made 5k a year in salary.

I wonder how many people live in homes today, or could find a home today, where it is only two years net pay.

In California it is closer to ten years. Same goes for college (which was rare).....health care......and just about everything else in regards to cost of living. It is out of sight and with salaries no longer going up where is all this future economic prosperity supposed to come from? What happens if unemployment rate doesn't go down or actually increases again?

From inflation, government becoming our entire GDP, and more buying of our own debt. We are in unprecedented waters with a lot of this all occurring at the exact same time. Hence the need to not get crazy with our spending and to tread lightly. That's all I am getting at. I'm not saying the sky is falling but we have some things to be rather concerned with IMO.
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I don't think that the US government, its economy, and its people were comparable to Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, Italy, and Ireland on any meaningful level.

But pretty chart.

Nor are we the same people, with the same economy, that we were in the 50's.

Putrid's post said more than I ever could in that regard.

I'm not saying I'm right. I honestly hope you are. Just something to keep in mind when spending like there is no tomorrow and raising the debt ceiling five more time in the next ten years.
As Texas Rep. Gohmert talks, Rep. Holding sleeps! Do you see this garbage? WTF are we paying these clowns $174,000 per a year for? I don't care what party your from this is garbage and seems to be the type of incapable leaders who are failing our country! Like John McCain playing poker on his cell phone during Syria hearings?! Clearly we need an overhaul and we need it NOW. - Senior Airman Brian Kolfage

Rep. Gohmert talks, Rep. Holding sleeps - The Hill's Video

for reals......

we need some super big ass tacos in here stat.
i already said my piece in this thread within the first 2-4 pages

one day you will realize that the hours you waste on these threads trying to change the minds of 1 or 2 people on subjects which are hardwired into their brains is completely asinine

great movie though, perhaps your only meaningful contribution to tw.com
If the tea party wants to cut government spending and shrink the role of government I'm all for it; they have my support.

But do it through the democratic process of proposing bills and voting on other bills. Not by holding the government hostage because you're a petulant child.

Not according to what you have said and are saying now.

Did they vote for people who promised to remove ACA?


Did the elected representatives originally vote on an omnibus CR that funded all gvt functions except the ACA?


They met your conditions and fulfilled their constitutional duties as keepers of the purse.

But yet your rhetoric betrays exactly where you stand: "holding someone / something hostage" which is what the president and the echo chamber of democrats and media are saying. You dont support anything they are doing. I think you are lying in an attempt to save face.

Why does this president refuse to negotiate in contrast to all other presidents that have done so over the past 40 years?

Who is holding who hostage again? Maybe you will realize that this president and harry reid are doing exactly that of which they accuse. But if you're drunk off the kool aid while being lied to by them and echoed by the complicit media, then facts are irrelevant.

You do know that the US gvt collects over 200 billion in tax revenue a month dont you? Whats the interest on the monthly debt payment? Who is authorized to make those payments as well execute paying the rest of the gvt?

If you were honest about it, you would know exactly who is holding the American people hostage.
Wah we cant squeeze concessions out of congress because we dont have the numbers in the senate so we blame the president.
This Quote Says Everything About The GOP's Shutdown Stand

House Republicans are continuing to play hardball in negotiations over the spending bill that precipitated the government shutdown on Oct. 1, apparently out of fear that compromise would weaken their power.

"We're not going to be disrespected," Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) told The Washington Examiner. "We have to get something out of this. And I don't know what that even is."

The GOP spent much of Wednesday blaming President Barack Obama and the Democrats for the effects of the shutdown, which led to the furlough of 800,000 workers and the closure of numerous government services. They failed to mention that the spending bill didn't pass because they loaded the bill with restrictions on the Affordable Care Act, a law that passed in 2010 and was found constitutional by the Supreme Court in June 2012.
You can google that midng.

Though they've never passed an Obama budget yet so... fact I'm not sure either party has voted for one of the proposed budgets.
Boehner Secretly Defended A Special Obamacare 'Exemption' He Has Publicly Derided - Business Insider

On the House floor Monday night, House Speaker John Boehner urged his House colleagues to pass amendments to a bill that would keep the government funded and avert a shutdown.

The amendments, he said, were necessary changes to Obamacare, including one that gets rid of what he called an "exemption" for members of Congress and their staff.

"Get rid of the exemption for Members of Congress," Boehner said. "It’s a matter of fairness for all Americans."

But new, leaked emails paint a different picture of how Boehner fought privately to maintain certain health insurance subsidies for federal employees under the Affordable Care Act.
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.

-- TS Eliot
Interesting how we blame the politicians and yet somehow we the people are supposedly blameless? We kind of did let this happen in a way. We're what? 313 million or so strong as of 2012 census? And let's be honest, how much ACTUAL research do we do on the people we vote for? And I'm not just talking federal every four years, I'm talking also local and state politicians as well. Mayors, senators, congressmen, the ones who are usually within our own states who usually only go to/work in DC to server their respective states?

I'm sure there are "those people", you know the ones. They show up at every election, meeting, referendum in town. They don't just read the news on their political party or just the hot-button topics, but ALL the news. The stuff the major media outlets don't cover, the stuff that usually does matter but gets glossed over in favor of higher-rated stories like gun control, Obamacare, and the like. Problem is, why aren't there MORE people like them? Why aren't WE doing our part? Are we all that busy with our careers and families to bother paying attention to issues not served up by the new companies whose only incentive to report the things that give them more viewers/ratings?

313 million strong, and the REAL voice I wouldn't suspect covers more than 15 - 20 million. The rest of us are silent, we pay attention to hot-button topics to make us feel better about ourselves and convince ourselves we're "making a difference". We go to the voting polls at some regular interval thinking we're doing our part. We complain and rant and whine on forums all over the net (much like this one) and yet not a good it does.

While the politicians are not blameless of course, ideally they should be acting in the interests of the people and not pander to the entities with the biggest checkbooks, but we haven't really done anything to change that. The politicians are generally allowed to do what they want because we largely as a nation enabled them. There is never any significant protest over any of the supposed "outrages" that happen on capitol hill.

Maybe when a law gets passed, someone will get the hint if say... A gathering of significant people to say, "Nope, we don't like this." Hell I'm sure even people flooding the net with angry emails to a point it would make government servers fall over and beg for mercy would be a good hint.

And yes, I too am guilty of being in the "silent majority". So don't think I'm on some soapbox preaching to unwashed masses. We're all responsible, we're all accountable, we have just largely chosen not to, and I'd wager it had a good hand in creating this mess.