[Stonks] When will the bloodshed end?

I decided to just literally gamble today by betting on 'countdowns'

you just stake whatever you like against something like a forex combo, say USD/JPY and bet that the price will be higher or lower at an agreed countdown time: 30s, 1min, 5min, 10min, 1hr

you win back 70-80% + your stake, no fees no spread

it's and easy way to make and lose a few hundo between checking email at work.

I'm actually way more accurate at picking it that other trading, I got 8 out of 10 correct today.

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Canadian publicly traded company in process acquiring a huge marijuana company right in my home time of Reno. .05 a share. Not breaking the piggy bank to but I spoke to a couple of people from there and the parent company is in process of acquiring a lot more. Maybe worth a couple bones.
Vencanna Ventures Announces Significant Investment in, and the Execution of a Letter of Intent with, The Cannavative Group LLC

Worth a gamble. Bought 20K. Thx Scoobydoo