Why I left/am leaving TW

Cruised through this morning to see what the aftermath was and felt I at least owed it to some users and e-buds to explain what actually happened and why I am out.

Fraggle didn't next me; he didn't do anything but try to rip through my life to gain some e-fame and attention (beyond pathetic but par for the course). It was actually refried who originally began the 'nexting' process by posting comments about my work history, education and location in one of the voting threads. To his credit he did it subtly enough to effectively freak me out without letting everyone copy and paste my CV etc (thanks I guess?). Is this creepy and weird? Absolutely. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel the need to try to scare someone off of the internet by searching through their lives, you are one pathetic loser.

But to be honest as well, I did panic a bit. When you start seeing your TW existence (which began when I was in highschool) merging instantly with your professional and personal life, it's more than a little unsettling. As Bounty mentioned, I don't necessarily want things I said or spoke about online a decade ago to be taken out of context at a later date and I sure don't want additional ties made; this is something I think everyone who has a serious career and conventional life would agree with.

So I did what everyone else in this situation probably did and PMed rayn going "OMG HALP WAT HAS HAPPUNEZD, FIX ME" and then when he didn't fix it in .5 seconds PMed Fool as well saying essentially the same thing.

I freaked out, absolutely.

To me, TW was always dead-set against this. My TW was a place where people met up and had events. Where people could post vacation pics or home reno pics and if a License plate or Home address was in the pic, there was no fear of their existence being exposed (and in fact any such action was met with swift justice). Then lines blurred a bit with the whole Jeremy Daspin situation (where TW really first ran into the now rampant situation of "how do we beat someone who just does not get being owned?" (the solution was to "take it to the *NEXT* level" ), and further became murky with the whole nonstop bombing of isuk (k0tz)'s name.

Then it gained some speed, and the community became divided in a weird way. People fearful of nexting simply left or became permanent lurkers, and people who enjoyed it became only more vocal, re-enforcing the ideology of it being both hilarious and acceptable. People with nothing to lose generally flock to it (because they are young and have no responsibilities, because they have shitty lives, because they are depraved or sociopathic, etc), and because they have the most time on their hands, they make it seem like the majority (or in essence it becomes the majority).

This isn't really a TW that I enjoy. It hasn't been for some time, but it's a habit that has been around on and off for.. 11 years or so now? So it's hard to break the ole "check up on TW when bored" or "whore/troll someone to kill some time" etc.

So, after both accepting that my life would forever be available online (a decision I ultimately made by making various social accounts), that TW was no longer what I wanted and that I didn't enjoy the two being connected, I've decided that it's time to take a break from TW. It's not running away (a bit late for that, everything is already out in the open), it's just putting my money where my mouth and my thoughts are. I'll probably still lurk from time to time, but I am just too old for this shit, and it's simply no longer my cup of tea.

As a parting note, I welcome some of the professional awesome dudes to post their public information; see how awesome it is! (ref you go first bro! spxnge, lemon, coombz even, love to see your pics/careers :) )

GL with this Rayn, I only see it getting worse. And it won't kill TW, but it will definitely change it.


- ref nexted me not fraggle (he is just thunder stealer because of king creep status), don't like this version of TW, fading to shadows, small history of TW/nexting, pic of my boner

A well written, and honest explanation of what Tribal War has become.

We now have these worthless fucks who live in their mothers basement with their anime girlfriends who despise anyone with a real life. They can't "get back" at the tw users who don't suck in real life in no way other than Nexting them. TW is supposed to be fun. Tribal War is supposed to be a form of entertainment. But when that "fun" means being called into the office by your boss because one of you lame fuck hater bitches emailed your boss something you posted when you were still in high school, and fires you the fun stops.

I have had my hosting service cancelled, because one of you fucks emailed my hosting company for the sole purpose of fucking with me, because they were jealous I could actually afford a web hosting service I guess.

When will the Forum Owner step up, and let it be known that Nexting is a permanent ban offense?

Granted the admins are awesome in the sense they let us get away with all types of shit other forums would have us banned years ago for. And I personally want to thank them for that freedom. However some things just should not be allowed.

Without order there is chaos.
i agree with the OP, nexting and bringing personal info is creepy. though TW is probably why I am more cautious than I used to be with personal info on the web. I have no interest in Facebook, myspace etc etc.

honestly, i find people that engage in this behavior very creepy. i also assume those that engage in it probably has some personal self esteem issues from god knows what and are probably very sad and lonely in their real life. or they are sociopaths

i am not leaving because i don't have no where else to go. this is the only forum i ever been part of, well other than TWL or old OGL, tribes 4 life yo

think of all the content tw is going to miss out on now that the main content provider is leaving

big fucking deal
i remember j5k owning me in demo, as I tried to join 5k :(
then my ebud Mortez got in, and owned everyone with 600 ping!
those were the days,
I'll actually miss you j5k, eventhough we never talked!
jm5k is an over analytical WoW nerd with a shitty nerd personality

that's my contribution to this thread

also saw lemon posted his resume, but i guess it was deleted lol

claims he was a sales manager :lol:

think of all the content tw is going to miss out on now that the main content provider is leaving

big fucking deal
You post this whenever someone gets run off the forums like you bring any other content besides talking about how much content other people don't provide. If you don't provide awesome content on TribalWars (of which there is none) in the eyes of nigafool then its ok to chase people off the forum by implying you want to mess with them in real life because you lost a flame war.

Concurrently, star content provider nigafool is scared to let people find out which restaurant he works at and Mr. T-Refried-459783 has yet to share his LinkedIn profile with the forums. I look forward to more of their quality posts talking about how much everything sucks. I am a lurker here but you people are ridiculous.
If you don't provide awesome content on TribalWars (of which there is none) in the eyes of nigafool then its ok to chase people off the forum by implying you want to mess with them in real life because you lost a flame war.


GTFO you TribalWars idiot.

edit: oh wait rumored kura smurf but seems way too dumb
only hopeless losers have LinkedIn profiles so Refried probably isn't hiding anything tbh

also you evidently missed nigafool's grill thread

my stomach wanted a lot of that content to be it's content
Guide to safely posting on TW (advanced version):

1) Purchase a used laptop in cash from a shady pawn shop
2) Drive across town and connect to the internet though random unsecured wireless networks
3) Connect to TW through a layer of proxies in Estonia, Uruguay and Bangladesh
4) Don full-body hazmat suit
5) Limit post content to talk about the weather
I tried to derail nigafools grill thread because he made fun of me. I failed horribly. Strong content in that one. Big fucking deal.