Happy Ban Day Rayn [nws]

knew you'd like that blank :)

Jermz, i wont be in town. Going to a lakehouse for a few days

also, she isnt that tall? 5'8? tops? I can't remember.

the tat felt weird to run my hands over
like latexy skin
Goshin let's stay up like it's finals again and ruin these forums.

Wait, Durak already posted.

BUt it's birthday so it's cool I guess.
so who is this girl and why did you feel the desire to post her naked body for the world to see?

inquiring boners want to know
knew you'd like that blank :)

Jermz, i wont be in town. Going to a lakehouse for a few days

also, she isnt that tall? 5'8? tops? I can't remember.

the tat felt weird to run my hands over
like latexy skin

I should put the miniboat on my potemkine stamp.

I wish I could meet girls that are huge whores that work in strip clubs and want to be in porn and then have sex with them and brag about it to people I don't know on the internet even though they have sex with anything that moves

oh well

I guess I don't understand why everyone's impressed by stuff that's mostly made up