Roe v Wade set to be overruled by SCOTUS

sure, have you heard of samuel alito?
you have alito on record atating “women are not people and do not have human rights” or are you going to continue testifying as an expert on what people think and believe without asking them or discussing it?

does everyone that differs from your ideology and world view need to be a disney cartoon villain to make yourself feel better?
11% of staunch democrats think abortion should be illegal in all/most cases, 22% of staunch republicans think abortion should be legal in all/most cases. The vast majority of moderates are nuanced about it, they just mildly disagree about where the line should be drawn. You'll never convince pro-lifers that its not life, and you'll never convince the left to admit they're committing economically convenient genocide because that would make them immoral monsters.
I don't think what triple says counts for the majority of people that are against abortion, but for the overly conservative religious nutbags? Sure.

To me, this whole discussion is appalling because I grew up in a country where this has never been a discussion at all. Officially legal since '84 and I was born in '86. So I never knew anything different. To me, it just feels like going back in time.
does everyone that differs from your ideology and world view need to be a disney cartoon villain to make yourself feel better?

Alright, so you're going to let me know when the right stops calling everyone who's in favor of lgbt rights pedophiles and child groomers, right? Because just.. pedojacketing people you happen to disagree with is wrong.

I don't think alito is a cartoon villain. He's not animated, for one.
You'll never convince pro-lifers that its not life, and you'll never convince the left to admit they're committing economically convenient genocide because that would make them immoral monsters.

This is better then?


Not saying these people should've been aborted, but i feel that if you're against abortion at least be in favor of government spending to reduce these type of problems in society as well.
This is better then?


Not saying these people should've been aborted, but i feel that if you're against abortion at least be in favor of government spending to reduce these type of problems in society as well.

Fool makes a good argument about how the issue is broadly not binary for everyone not occupying the fringes........ and you prove his point by occupying said fringe
You know what i mean: the mess that comes forth out of people being born in situation where they should have never been. Trauma is the number one problem regarding homelessness. Mental health by far.

Fool makes a good argument about how the issue is broadly not binary for everyone not occupying the fringes........ and you prove his point by occupying said fringe

Yet you're ignoring everything i've said about understanding 'the other's' perspective, lol.
This is better then?


Not saying these people should've been aborted, but i feel that if you're against abortion at least be in favor of government spending to reduce these type of problems in society as well.

No, it's not better. I happen to believe abortion should be legal in all cases, because it's better for society and I'm lucky that I'm not the one committing genocide. I'm just candid enough to admit what it is. It's a lesser evil than the alternative. You just won't find me dehumanizing a fetus to make myself feel better about it.
I guess I have a higher bar on what a human is? Fool, have you ever seen what a six week old fetus actually looks like? Here are some scale models. The right is like "you're committing genocide!!" and I'm just here like.. bitch I have fingernail clippings that are bigger than that.

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Oh, Fool I definitely agree it's not a "great thing" at all. It sucks. I've said it before. I guess the difference is indeed the dehumanizing part of it all and maybe that's because I grew up in a society where this whole discussion was over before I got born.

However, I do feel that American society is dealing more with problems like the one depicted in the picture because of the 'American approach' to wealth (we don't have this going on in the Netherlands for instance). America as a society is rougher. There's less assistance by the state in comparison to Western-European countries. I'm not saying we are perfect - we do have our problems - but the way homelessness has been taking shape in America for me has been very painful to see. Especially knowing America's wealth.

So when I see this discussion going on about abortion and believing (yes, believing) that a woman would mostly abort a child because she isn't ready to provide a good life for it.. combined with the fact that trauma and a bad upbringing contribute massively to the problem depictured in the picture.. I just think it's weird to see conservatives who generally don't want to do shit about the problem - at least when it comes to social spending - to be like yeah let's amplify it even more. I do recognize the fact that people do or do not believe in social spending, but then again I'd like to point out the differences between our countries and the systems we have.
if you want an abortion, go right ahead idc

its murder to me but not my business

just dont expect taxpayers to pay for it