[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

What does this have to do with underage surgery?

Trans kids’ treatment can start younger, new guidelines say | AP News

A leading transgender health association has lowered its recommended minimum age for starting gender transition treatment, including sex hormones and surgeries.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14, two years earlier than the group’s previous advice, and some surgeries done at age 15 or 17, a year or so earlier than previous guidance.

What medical treatments do transgender youth get?

Gender-altering surgery in teens is less common than hormone treatment, but many centers hesitate to give exact numbers.

Guidelines say such surgery generally should be reserved for those aged 18 and older. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health says breast removal surgery is OK for those under 18 who have been on testosterone for at least a year. The Endocrine Society says there isn’t enough evidence to recommend a specific age limit for that operation.

It's not common, but there is certainly anecdotal evidence that it is happening. Breast removal as young as 14, etc. Jazz Jennings had her first surgery at 17 and she's on television. Recommendations are being pushed for younger and younger. Surgical centers are not disclosing numbers, which is odd if the number is 0.
The idea that children should be allowed to profoundly alter their body physically and hormonally is ridiculous. And adults that allow it should be charged with child abuse
Of course the conservatives obsessed with LGBTQIA are curious about people having kids

I guarantee you are wrong in your assumptions and are also a groomer
Conservatives want to control your kids so they can groom them.

The proof is right here with Juggs begging for information about my kids.

I dont ask about others kids because im not a deviant like Juggs and other conservatives like him
Wrong. I have 2 kids. Why are you obsessed with my kids?

As usual disgusting behavior from old loser conservatives

Got it...so you have kids, and don't give a shit about how they are raised or what influences them

What a good dad you are.
I raise them perfectly you absolute moron. What a stupid waste of an argument you are making.

You have no idea what my opinions are and you are assuming everything because i am simply making fun of you for focusing too much on this topic

You messed up and cannot admit you made a mistake
Such a typical loser conservative thing to do, when they are proven wrong they go straight for your family and your kids

Have you no shame? Seriously my kids??
So what you want pictures now?

Seriously this line of questioning is disgusting

You basically want all my info and you still will never admit you are wrong

We can use a 3rd party to confirm but I need something when you proven wrong
So what you want pictures now?

Seriously this line of questioning is disgusting

You basically want all my info and you still will never admit you are wrong

We can use a 3rd party to confirm but I need something when you proven wrong

You have a history of lying on this forum.