
from the very same article:

Several academics have challenged Cesario’s methodology, namely his decision to “sidestep the benchmark” of using population to calculate racial disparity. It has been questioned whether using population is an appropriate benchmark in these kinds of analyses: Critics of this technique believe that population-benchmarking is flawed because it assumes black and white people have an equal likelihood of encountering police.


The problem with this, as Princeton professor Jonathan Mummolo, explained on Twitter, is that it still rests on the assumption that black and white officers encounter black civilians in equal numbers, or in even temperaments—which they don’t.

The study claims its approach “sidesteps the benchmark debate”—the problem of picking a baseline to use to evaluate shooting rates across racial groups. We show this is not true. The study implicitly and wrong assumes black/white civilians encounter police in equal numbers.2/N
— Jonathan Mummolo (@jonmummolo) August 1, 2019
Hai guise, we did a study that eliminates the racial bias, and found no racial bias.

I want the police to understand that this sort of behavior is unacceptable.

People have been trying to get that point across via the official diplomatic channels for years, to no avail.

So now it's time to try something that might get a little more attention.

They can get their toys back once they learned to play nice with them.

Will you check out this angry little power fantasy?
What are the odds that Amadeus either stopped reading that 1 article after bumping into the 'problems' with it, or didn't read either one?

  • more white people are killed every year in the US than blacks.
  • More unarmed blacks are killed every year in the US than whites.
  • Black and Hispanic LEO kill more blacks people every year than white LEO do every year.

Facts that Cultural Marxist's like Amadeus want to be true:
  • If a white LEO kills a black person, it can only be due to his inherent systemic racism.
  • Black or Hispanic LEO that kill white people is A-Okay because they cannot be racist towards white people.
  • Because of these 2 facts, we must defund all police.

Sound about right?
You want stats? Here are the stats provided by the Washington Post.

Since 2015... more White people have been killed by the Police, than Black people. The WaPo presents their data with the alarmist perspective that Black people are killed at a higher rate though, because they make up only 13% of the population.

Are the police deliberately targeting black people because of racism? Or are there mitigating factors that lead to more situations that result in a fatality among black populations? Like poverty? There is obviously something going on here... but to ratchet it down to merely being that Police are inherently racist is far to simplistic. The term "Systemic Racism" is a copout (no pun intended).

It is also important to me to note that while we are all fixated on Police Shootings, the Police are not the largest causes of death among black people... that would be crime involving death at the hands of another black person. By a considerable margin. Even if Black people are shot by the police at a higher rate than white people, you are still two or three times more likely to get got by a fellow black person than by the police. No one talks about black on black violence though. No protests, no activism, no national campaigns or fancy slogans address that issue at all.

So there is obviously something more to the "systemic" problem than just inherent racism in the police.

Police shootings database 2015-2020 - Washington Post

We hold our Law Enforcement institutions to an impossible standard that we ourselves are not willing to live up too. And we won't look in the mirror to address our own failings as a society.
SJWs dont know any black officers who patrol the hood and their thoughts on this shit.

Of course they rationalize it as all of them being uncle toms because cognitive dissonance is preferable to the truth
mayb blax r more likely to be arrested bc theyre 13% of the us population and commit over 50% of all violent crime

if u were a doctor and 13% of a patients cells had a genetic marker that was statistically proven to be a coin flip for becoming malignant tumor cells, u would probably want to monitor those first right

inc sjw whining from a pedophile lol
Where are the banners, the calls for action, the vote pandering for David Dorn?

Retired police captain, Dave Dorn...a BLACK man gunned down by another black rioter who was stealing TV's from a local storefront.


Not a fucking peep out of these people.

This is why you don't "take a knee" for this shit. You don't get up on your podiums, in front of press core to espouse your support for the dissolution of Order from the "Law and Order" that maintains our society and the basic human decency we should have for one another.


that wasn't my point, should've elaborated a bit but it just came down to stats. when adjusted for percentage of population black people die more often in police shootings then white people. I don't agree that cops have some majority of racist behavior and need to be purged. if anything cops should be more then motivated to just give a black dude a break.
SJWs dont know any black officers who patrol the hood and their thoughts on this shit.

Of course they rationalize it as all of them being uncle toms because cognitive dissonance is preferable to the truth

we're getting the police's thoughts on this shit hundreds of times a day
