
defund the police doesn't sound so radical when you watch tens of thousands of them strut around kitted out like starship troopers while doctors are wearing trash bags
How does doctors walking around in trash bags make your brain say... "We need to defund the police."?
I just don't think we can live together anymore.
Check these SCIENTISTS out.
1,200 of the country's most renowned public health "experts" have signed a letter calling outdoor mass gatherings "vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people." We are in the midst of a mass psychotic break

Open Letter.pdf - Google Drive

...A public health response to these demonstrations is also warranted, but this message
must be wholly different from the response to white protesters resisting stay-home orders. Infectious disease
and public health narratives adjacent to demonstrations against racism must be consciously anti-racist, and
infectious disease experts must be clear and consistent in prioritizing an anti-racist message...

New Vanster Science
Fuck Facts
A warning for thee, but not for me.
ya geez
I wonder what agenda globalist commies have?

"just call the police" doesn't apply to people who are likely to get killed by the police for no reason

i feel like this should be obvious, but...
show us stats that black people are killed by cops at a higher rate than whites lol
you want to take away police cruisers?

I want the police to understand that this sort of behavior is unacceptable.

People have been trying to get that point across via the official diplomatic channels for years, to no avail.

So now it's time to try something that might get a little more attention.

They can get their toys back once they learned to play nice with them.
Amadeus is the cuckiest of pedophiles. He probably can only get off on pictures. Would be too scared to perform even if he had a kid to diddle.
Suppose that all laws were changed immediately to say that blacks could not be arrested.

LEOs would never have to be in a position to be brutal.

Would blacks in turn not commit any crime?
Defunding would make it worse. Start paying them 100k a year and they can actually pick from a competitive batch of applicants instead of any dumbfuck highschool bully being able to get the job.
Defunding would make it worse. Start paying them 100k a year and they can actually pick from a competitive batch of applicants instead of any dumbfuck highschool bully being able to get the job.
Or, you know, the dumbfuck highschool bully could learn not to be a dumbfuck bully. Maybe that could be part of the training.
you can't be serious with this

There Is No Epidemic of Racist Police Shootings

A new study, Officer characteristics and racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences demolishes the Democratic narrative regarding race and police shootings, which holds that white officers are engaged in an epidemic of racially biased shootings of black men. It turns out that white officers are no more likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot black civilians. It is a racial group’s rate of violent crime that determines police shootings, not the race of the officer. The more frequently officers encounter violent suspects from any given racial group, the greater the chance that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer. In fact, if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians, the study found.

The authors, faculty at Michigan State University and the University of Maryland at College Park, created a database of 917 officer-involved fatal shootings in 2015 from more than 650 police departments. Fifty-five percent of the victims were white, 27 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic. Between 90 and 95 percent of the civilians shot by officers in 2015 were attacking police or other citizens; 90 percent were armed with a weapon. So-called threat-misperception shootings, in which an officer shoots an unarmed civilian after mistaking a cellphone, say, for a gun, were rare.

Earlier studies have also disproven the idea that white officers are biased in shooting black citizens. The Black Lives Matter narrative has been impervious to the truth, however. Police departments are under enormous political pressure to hire based on race, despite existing efforts to recruit minorities, on the theory that doing so will decrease police shootings of minorities. Buttigieg came under fire from his presidential rivals for not having more black officers on the South Bend force after a white officer killed a black suspect this June. (The officer had responded to a 911 call about a possible car-theft suspect, saw a man leaning into a car, and shot off two rounds after the man threatened him with a knife.) The Obama administration recommended in 2016 that police departments lower their entry standards in order to be able to qualify more minorities for recruitment. Departments had already been deemphasizing written exams or eliminating requirements that recruits have a clean criminal record, but the trend intensified thereafter. The Baltimore Police Department changed its qualifying exam to such an extent that the director of legal instruction in the Baltimore Police Academy complained in 2018 that rookie officers were being let out onto the street with little understanding of the law. Mr. Biden’s criminal-justice plan would require police hiring to “mirror the racial diversity” of the local community as a precondition of federal funding.

But that is just part of the complaint. A lot of it revolves around 'unarmed black people' being killed by the cops. More white people are killed every year by cops than blacks so the Marxist's need to focus on a different number to back their argument.

(this is another good article)
What New Research Says About Race and Police Shootings

There’s also something to be said for what the victims were doing when the cops shot them. Cesario points out that, “The vast majority—between 90 percent and 95 percent—of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot”—and that there were more white civilians who were committing such attacks when police killed them than were African Americans. In fact, white people were more likely to be armed when police killed them, as Cesario’s study acknowledges—“if anything, [we] found anti-White disparities when controlling for race-specific crime,” reads the study.

Another way to determine whether racial bias is a factor is by examining police behavior when their target is unarmed and not on the attack. This is what University of Nebraska at Omaha criminology professor Justin Nix examined in his 2017 study on police killings. Nix’s research, which Cesario cites often in his own study, also focuses on police shooting-killings in 2015, when police killed nearly twice as many white people that year (495) than they did black people (258). But 15 percent of the black people police killed that year were unarmed, compared with just 6 percent of white people who were unarmed when killed by police. The study also found that 24 percent of African Americans and 32 percent of other non-white racial groups were not attacking police officers when they were killed, compared to 17 percent of white people. This was interpreted as “preliminary evidence of an implicit bias effect,” against African Americans and people of color.

Cesario’s study centers the characteristics of the police officer over the victim, concluding essentially that since black and Hispanic police are as likely or more likely to kill people of color as white officers, that the race of the police officer doesn’t matter. But it’s not clear whether that matters in determining whether police bias exists at all. As Philip Atiba Goff, president and cofounder of the Center for Policing Equity, told NPR, “Racism is not a thing that white people can have and black people can’t. And nobody’s research would suggest that it does.”